
单词 rondel
释义 rondel|ˈrɒndəl|
Also 4 rondeal, 5 -delle, 6–7 rondell.
[a. older F. rondel masc. (later rondeau: see prec.), or rondelle fem., f. rond round a. Cf. roundel and rundle.]
1. A circle; a circular object. Now arch. Also spec. a round shield; the midriff.
The precise sense in quot. 1630 is not clear.
c1290St. Michael 452 in S. Eng. Leg. I. 312 A luyte rondel ase a sikel Men seoth þar-on liȝt.1486Bk. St. Albans e viij, In the mydref that callid is the rondell also.1529More Dyaloge ii. Wks. 188/2 The ayre striken wt the breth of the spiker, & equally rolling forth in rondels to the eares of the hearers.1549Compl. Scot. vi. 42 Mak reddy ȝour..halbardis, rondellis, tua handit sourdis and tairgis.1593Queen Elizabeth Boeth. 113 Hast thou not thus wrapt a rondell [L. orbem] of dyvine sinceritie?1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 654 They give a jirke, as if a twig bended into a rondle were sodainly let go.1630B. Jonson New Inn i. vi, Chalk, and renew the rondels, I am now Resolved to stay.1871R. Ellis Catullus xvii. 26 As some mule [leaves] in a glutinous sludge her rondel of iron.
b. Fortif. A round tower. Obs.
1686Lond. Gaz. No. 2159/1 The Duke of Lorrain's Attack embraces three Rondels or Towers.1687B. Randolph Archipelago 2 The maine castle is..fortified with six very large towers or rondells.1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Rondel, in Fortification, is a round Tower sometimes erected at the Foot of the Bastions. [Hence in later Dicts.]
c. A round or rung of a ladder. Obs.
1723Briton No. 6 And make their Vices the only Rondels whereby they mount the Ladder of tow'ring Preferment.
2. A rondeau, or a special form of this.
1390Gower Conf. I. 133 He can carolles make, Rondeal, balade and virelai.a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 1, Y made for her loue songges, balades, rondelles, virallayes, and diuerse nwe thinges.1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies vi. xxviii. 492 They haue likewise put our compositions of musicke into their language, as Octaves, Songs, and Rondells.1811Busby Dict. Mus. (ed. 3) s.v. Roundelay, Some writers speak of the Roundelay, or Rondel, as a kind of air appropriated to dancing.1887Gleeson White Ball. & Rondeau Introd. p. lviii, In its origin the rondel was a lyric of two verses... With Charles d'Orléans the rondel took the distinct shape..of fourteen lines on two rhymes.Ibid., Nor are these rondel-triolets exceptions; they are quite common till the beginning of the fifeenth century.

