
单词 Tunker
释义 I. Dunker1, Tunker|ˈdʌŋkə(r), ˈtʌŋkə(r)|
[ad. Ger. tunker, f. tunken (dunken) to dip.]
A member of a body of German-American Baptists, who administer baptism only to adults, and by triple immersion.
They settled in Pennsylvania early in the 18th c., whence they spread into Ohio and other states.
1756G. Washington Lett. Writ. 1889 I. 354 The Dunkers (who are all Doctors) entertain the Indians who are wounded here.1785J. Q. Adams Wks. (1854) IX. 533 The Quakers and Moravians, Dunkers, Mennonites, or other worthy people in Pennsylvania.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 281 The words Tunkers and Tumblers have been corruptly written Dunkers and Dumplers.1858–60Gardner Faiths World I. 770/1 The Dunkers hold that celibacy is not binding..but that it is to be commended as a virtue.1886Blunt Dict. Sects 602/1 Settlements were formed by the emigration of married Tunkers to other parts.
II. Dunker2
corruption of Dunkirk: see next.
1631C. Fitzgeffrey Curse of Corn-horders 14 Suffered to be a prey to Dunkers abroad, and to as bad at home.

