
单词 improving
释义 I. improving, vbl. n.1 Obs.
[f. improve v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of improve v.1; disproving, refutation.
c1449Pecock Repr. i. i. 5 It is miche nede forto first..vnroote and ouerturne tho thre trowingis..bifore the improuyng of othere.c1530L. Cox Rhet. (1899) 49 Argumentes for the prouinge or improuynge of compounde themes.1574Whitgift Def. Aunsw. ii. 100 You shoulde haue kept you to the improuing of this generall proposition.1611Florio, Improuatione, an improouing.
II. improving, vbl. n.2|ɪmˈpruːvɪŋ|
[f. improve v.2 + -ing1.]
The action of improve v.2, q.v.; improvement.
1602W. Fulbecke 2nd Pt. Parall. 54 The improouing of ground from worse to better, is clearely permitted by our law.1785J. Phillips Treat. Inland Navig. 49 Were it for nothing else but the improving of land.. the expence would be amply repaid.
b. improving lease (Sc. Law): a lease granted to a tenant for a longer period than the usual one, with the object of encouraging him to make permanent improvements on the holding by ensuring to him a longer enjoyment of their benefits.
1861W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. s.v., A lease of ordinary endurance is a lease for nineteen or twenty-one years; and an improving lease is usually for thirty-eight or forty-two years.
III. imˈproving, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
That improves.
1. That makes better; spec. that improves the mind, understanding, or character; that makes agricultural improvements.
1665Boyle Occas. Refl. Introd. (1848) 24 The Sun, by his piercing and improving Beams, can not only make Diamonds sparkle, and Rubies flame, but [etc.].1736Butler Anal. ii. vi. Wks. 1874 I. 240 Temptations render our state a more improving state of discipline, than it would be otherwise.1792M. Riddell Voy. Madeira Ded. 6 After it has once undergone a few corrections from your improving hand.1881Daily News 14 Sept. 3/1 Should an improving farmer wish to leave for a finer opening in agriculture.1884G. Allen Philistia II. 11 Read a few verses of some improving volume every night.
2. Becoming better; advancing or increasing in excellence.
1694F. Bragge Disc. Parables viii. 298 A soul so filled with grace as the improving soul will be.1791Washington Lett. Writ. 1892 XII. 49 The country appears to be in a very improving state.1891Anthony's Photogr. Bull. IV. 88 Improving powers of criticism.
Hence imˈprovingly adv., in an improving manner; in the way of improvement.
1842Fraser's Mag. XXVI. 520 Were he to disturb, however improvingly, the earlier songs.1852Blackw. Mag. LXXI. 461 How are we to amuse them?—Respectably of course; improvingly by all means.

