
单词 vare
释义 I. vare1 Obs.
Also 7 varre.
[ad. Sp. vara vara.]
1. = vara.
1545Rates of Customs d iiij b, The Vares of Spayne:..ix. Vares makithe .viii. yardes Englysshe.1588Parke tr. Mendoza's Hist. China 175 Certain peeces of blacke silke of twelue vares long a peece.1599Hakluyt Voy. II. i. 273 The other measure is called a vare,..which measure is of 5 palmes or spans, and is one code and two third parts.1604E. G[rimstone] D'Acosta's Hist. Indies iv. xi. 240 It extendes above foure score Varres or yardes in length.
2. A rod, staff, or wand, esp. as a symbol of judicial office or authority.
1578T. N. tr. Conq. W. India 357 He tooke the Vares of Justice from the Judges and Sargeants, and incontinent restored them againe.c1645Howell Lett. i. iii. xxxii, If an Alguazil..show him his Vare, that is a little white staffe he carryeth as badge of his office.1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 48 Imposing my hand upon a Crosse held out to me upon the end of a Vare, or wand.1681Dryden Abs. & Achit. 595 His Hand a Vare of Justice did uphold.
II. vare2
Variant of fare n.3 Obs.
1653H. Appleton Fight Legorn-Road 2 At Naples I made Provision for my Squadron,..passing thence through the Vare [= Strait] of Messina.
III. vare
dial. var. fare n.2; southern ME. var. fare v.; var. vair n.1; obs. Sc. f. ware n.

