
单词 grecing
释义 grecing Obs. exc. dial.|ˈgriːsɪŋ|
Also 5–6 gresyng, 6 grees-, gres(s-, griessing, 7 gresin, grison, 7, 9 dial. grissens.
[f. grece n. + -ing1.]
Chiefly pl. Steps in a flight; flights of steps; stairs. Rarely sing. A step; also, ? a flight of steps (quot. c 1500).
A flight of stone steps at Lincoln is called ‘The Grecian stairs’; the appellation (which is mentioned in 1724 by Stukeley Itin. Curios. i. 84) is prob. a corruption of grecing. At York also a flight of steps called ‘The Grecian steps’ is said formerly to have existed.
c1400Mandeville (1839) xx. 220 Thei maken ther of Grecynges & Pileres.1448–9in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) II. 10 Tymber for gresynges and Midelwalles to the seides howses perteynyng.c1500in G. Peacock Stat. Cambridge (1841) App. A. 24 The Father of Dyvinite shall sytt in the myddys of the Gresynge before the Hyghe Auter.1549Latimer 6th Serm. bef. Edw. VI (Arb.) 170 Ther is an other way to go doune, by gressinges.1563–83Foxe A. & M. II. 1960/1 Makyng their prayers at the gresings they so proceeded into the stalles.1673Yorks. Dial. 42 (E.D.S. No. 76) 112 Hee stack his Schackfork up i' th' Esins, An' tuke his Jerkin of o' th' Gresins.1674–91Ray N.C. Words s.v. Grees, In Norfolk they call them Grissens.1787W. Marshall Norfolk (1795) II. 380 Grissons.1847–89Halliwell, Greesings..Still in use, pronounced grissens.
fig.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I Pref. (1655) A ij, Some..who..should not have been permitted, so much as to step over the threshold of Gods house, were notwithstanding advanced to the highest grison of Church Dignities?Ibid. 118 An abomination whose every grison and step should we climbe, we shall not be able in the hole Repertory of Fame to finde its parallel.

