
单词 unoccupied
释义 unˈoccupied, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Not occupied or engaged in some work or pursuit; idle.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 191 First men ordeyned..to putte awey ydelnesse & to be not vnoccupied in goode manere for þe tyme.c1440Jacob's Well 231 Þou þat syttest stylle here in cherch, vnocupyed & thynkest on þi muk.c1490Caxton Rule St. Benet 132 Lete theym be assigned to other occupacyons to doo, so that they be neuer vnoccupied in vertu.c1529Capon in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. I. 190 So that your workemen shall not be un occupyed for wante of stone.1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 137 A valiente mynde can not rest in one place or bee vnoccupyed.1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 118 Prouide of thine owne to haue all things at hand, least worke and the workman vnoccupide stand.1647Hexham i, Vnoccupied, or doing nothing, onbesich.1751Johnson Rambler No. 141 ⁋2 Acting when his imagination was unoccupied, and his judgment unsettled.1780Burke Œcon. Reform Wks. III. 324 The council, or committees of council, were never a moment unoccupied, with affairs of trade.1827Lytton Falkland 22, I am unoccupied by a single pursuit.1898‘Merriman’ Roden's Corner xvii, She led a blameless, unoccupied, and apparently purposeless life.
2. Not put to use; left unemployed. (In later use only of time.)
1448–9J. Metham Amoryus & Cl. 2210 Tyme on-ocupyid, qwan folk haue lytyl to do.1486Bk. St. Albans B vj, Tho saame lewnes þou shalt fastyn slackely as a bowstryng vnocupyede.1523[Coverdale] Old God (1534) B j, The sword..beynge through dust & longe beynge unoccupied,..defiled with ruste.1561T. Hoby tr. Castiglione's Courtyer iv. (1577) T v, They..fell into decay and loste theyr puissaunce and brightnesse, lyke yron vnoccupied.1796F. Burney Camilla V. 354 Her time..hung not upon her unoccupied.1829Scott Anne of G. xxv, As if desirous that the hour should arrive which would put an end to a day unoccupied.
3. Of ground, etc.: Not occupied by inhabitants or indwellers; not put to use in this way; not frequented or filled up; empty.
c1425Wyntoun Cron. iv. xix. 1780 Thare wes vnoccupiit..A land beȝond ane arme of the se.1560Bible Judges v. 6 The hye wayes were vnoccupied, and the trauelers walked through bywayes.1573Tusser Husb. (1878) 15 No dwellers, what profiteth house for to stand? What goodnes, vnoccupied, bringeth the land?1691Ray Creation i. (1692) 189 Doubtless, if we shall discover further to the very North-pole, we shall find all that Tract not to be vain, useless, or unoccupied.1784Cowper Task v. 557 The word That, finding an interminable space Unoccupied, has fill'd the void so well.1807Europ. Mag. LII. 111/1 This part of Lancashire is..highly cultivated, not an inch of ground lies waste and unoccupied.1884in A. Cawston Street Improv. London (1893) 115 There are always a very large number of unoccupied houses even in towns where the building trade is very active.
b. Not taken up or appropriated.
1701Grew Cosmol. ii. iii. 43 The Phancy hath full Power to create them in the Sensories themselves, then unoccupy'd by External Impressions.1830Miss Mitford Village Ser. iv. 107 She could not have chosen an occupation more completely unoccupied, or more loudly called for.1832Westm. Rev. Oct. 353 Cadences..highly favourable for leaving the ear unoccupied for any measure which may follow.
c. spec. Designating that part of France not held under German military occupation during the war of 1939–45. Cf. occupied ppl. a.
1940New Statesman 19 Oct. 380 A Jewish friend (who recently returned from unoccupied France to his home in Paris) told me that he liked the English immensely.1942Mrs. Belloc Lowndes Let. 3 July (1971) 230, I hear dreadful accounts of France—all old people and delicate people, are dying—especially..in the unoccupied districts.1978A. Price '44 Vintage xviii. 210 A chateau south of the Loire..in the Vichy zone of unoccupied France.

