
单词 head-mould
释义 I. ˈhead-mould1 Obs.
[f. mould skull.]
The skull. Only in head-mould-shot: see quot. 1719. So head-mould-shottenness: see quot. 1684.
1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. ix. 321 Seiriasis, or, An Inflammation of the Brain, and of its Membranes, attended with a Hollowness of the Mold of the Head..It may be called Head-mold-shottenness most properly.1719Quincy Phys. Dict., Head-Mould-shot, is when the Sutures of the Skull, generally the Coronal, ride; that is, have their Edges shoot over one another.1781Gentl. Mag. LI. 633 (Lond. Bills of Mortality) Headmouldshot, Horseshoehead, and Water in the Head..20.
II. head-mould2, -moulding
Arch. A variant of hood-mould, -ing, given in some mod. Dicts.
1875Knight Dict. Mech., Head-molding.1889Cent. Dict., Head-mold, -molding.

