
单词 solemny
释义 solemny, a. and adv. Obs.
In 5 solempny, -ni.
[f. solemn a.]
A. adj. Solemn.
c1420Chron. Vilod. 1797 Bot a solempniere dedicacione for-sothe þer nas In Wylton neuer byfore þat day y-done.1448–9J. Metham Wks. (E.E.T.S.) 51 And euery man that he coude off myrth or pley Schuld schewe yt..this solempny day.c1450Godstow Reg. 489 That the fest of seynt Margarete myght be the more solempnyere and the more devoutly be halowed and honoured.
B. adv. Solemnly. (Cf. solenny adv.)
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxvii. (Machor) 1207 Þare solempni with honoure þai grathit for it a sepulture.a1470Contin. Brut 493 And in euery town by þe way he had solempny his Dirige on þe evyn, & masse on þe morne.

