
单词 subverter
释义 subˈverter
[f. subvert v. + -er1.]
One who subverts or overthrows.
1515in Leadam Sel. Cases Star Chamber (Selden Soc.) II. 80 The said mayre and Aldremen..be the brekers and subuerters of the good ordre and rule of the said Towne.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 298 b, The subuerter & deceyuer of the people.1612Taylor Comm. Titus iii. i. (1619) 547 How haue Christians..beene alwaies charged, that they were the onely subuerters of the place where they liued?1697Dryden Life Virgil (1721) I. 44 Virgil..might deserve the Title of Subverter of Superstitions, as well as Varro.1764Gibbon Tri. Romans Misc. Wks. 1814 IV. 380 The subverters of liberty.1838Thirlwall Greece xxviii. IV. 60 Cries which threatened the subverters of the constitution with death.1863De Morgan in Athenæum 10 Oct. 467/3, I will not, from henceforward, talk to any..constructor of perpetual motion, subverter of gravitation,..&c.

