
单词 sarcosome
释义 sarcosome Biol.|ˈsɑːkəʊsəʊm|
[ad. G. sarcosom (G. Retzius 1890, in Biol. Untersuchungen Neue Folge I. 76): see sarco- and -some4.]
A large mitochondrion found in striated muscle.
1899tr. Verworn's Gen. Physiol. v. 464 The granules, or sarcosomes, lying in the sarcoplasm between the individual fibrillæ were enormously enlarged in the fatigued..muscle.1912Amer. Jrnl. Anat. XIV. 5 The ‘exoplasmic granules’ (J granules and Q granules) and the ‘endoplasmic granules’ of Holmgren correspond to the ‘Sarcosomes’ of Retzius which in turn correspond to Kölliker's true interstitial granules. It is possible that Retzius and Holmgren may have occasionally confused fat droplets with sarcosomes.1919Anat. Rec. XVI. 217 The wing muscle of the mantis furnishes an exceptionally favorable material for the investigation of the interfibrillar sarcoplasmic granules, or ‘sarcosomes’, characteristic of insect wing muscle.1956Physiol. Rev. XXXVI. 3 It is proposed in this article..to use the term sarcosome in its original sense as a general term to describe the lipoprotein granules which lie between the myofibrils and which can be seen with the light microscope.1970Sci. Amer. Feb. 101 The specialized mitochondria of the myocardial cell are unusually large; they are called sarcosomes.

