
单词 hoosh
释义 I. hoosh, n. slang.|huːʃ|
[Origin unknown.]
A kind of thick soup.
1905R. F. Scott Voy. ‘Discovery’ I. 445 The cook..proceeded to prepare the ingredients of the hoosh, by which term the hot, thick soup that constituted the sledging meal was generally known.1911Jrnl. 29 Nov. in Last Exped. (1913) I. xvi. 479 They had some of Chinaman's undercut in their hoosh yesterday.1919E. H. Shackleton South xii. 239 The hoosh-pot with our precious limpets and seaweed was kicked over in the rush.1922Chambers's Jrnl. Jan. 73/2 The thick savoury ‘hoosh’ of pemmican and broken plasmon biscuit.
II. hoosh, int.|huːʃ|
An exclamation used in driving animals, etc.
1874Hardy Far from Madding Crowd I. x. 131 Saying ‘Hoosh!’ to the cocks and hens when they go upon your seeds.1900Contemp. Rev. Oct. 512 A loud ‘hoosh’ from the Kaffir roused one of the Englishmen.
III. hoosh, v. colloq.|huːʃ|
[f. prec. word; cf. shoo int. and v.]
trans. To force or turn or drive (an animal, etc.) off (or out, etc.); also intr., to move (rapidly). Cf. also quot. 1943.
1908Athenæum 11 Apr. 450/1, I hooshed them, hooshed them all into the shed.1928A. A. Milne House at Pooh Corner vi. 100 ‘Well done, Pooh... That was a good idea of ours... Hooshing you to the bank like that.’ ‘Hooshing me?’ said Eeyore in surprise. ‘Hooshing me? You didn't think I was hooshed, did you? I dived. Pooh dropped a large stone on me, and so as not to be struck heavily on the chest, I dived and swam to the bank.’1933L. A. G. Strong Sea Wall xvii. 283 We could hoosh the whole lot of them off of the line, and the train could go by.1934A. Russell Tramp-Royal in Wild Australia iii. 27, I untied my camel, ‘hooshed’ it down and mounted it.1936A. Thirkell August Folly ix. 283 Oh, she's dressing, and Aunt Palmer hooshed me out.1939Joyce Finnegans Wake 112 Trust her to propagate the species and hoosh her fluffballs safe through din and danger!1943Hunt & Pringle Service Slang 39 Hooshing, purely an R.A.F. word, which means landing at great speed.1956‘A. Bridge’ Lighthearted Quest ii. 37 Why do you go hooshing off to find him in this completely wild-cat way?

