
单词 commove
释义 commove, v.|kəˈmuːv|
Also 4–5 commoeve, -meve. Chiefly in pa. pple.
[a. F. commouv-oir (12th c. in Littré), stressed stem commeuv-.
Noted by Johnson as ‘Not in use’, and by Craig 1847, ‘Obs.’; but, although chiefly found in Scotch writers after 1500, it has never been obsolete, and is now not uncommon.]
1. trans. (lit.) To move violently, disturb, agitate, stir up, set in commotion.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. iv. 12 Þe manace of þe [Camb. Univ. MS. þe see] commoeuyng or chasyng vpwarde hete fro þe botme.1513Douglas æneis vii. vi. 72 And sall commove that deipest pyt of hell.1659Macallo Can. Physick 4 The pulse commoved tells the heart to be troubled.1744Thomson Summer 970 The sands, Commoved around in gathering eddies play.1822Southey Ode King's Visit Scotl. 6 From its depths commoved, Infuriate ocean raves.1868Geo. Eliot Sp. Gipsy 208 The air is so commoved by your voice.
b. of motion onward. Obs. rare.
1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 34 Thai salbe commovit fra the see to the see.
c. fig. To put into general or universal motion.
1872Morley Voltaire (ed. 2) II. 76 The general stir and life of public activity tends to commove the whole system.
2. To throw into disorder, disturb. Obs.
c1500Melusine xxi. 123 About the spryng of the day foure score basynets..commevyd al thoost by manere of batayll.a1563Bale Sel. Wks. (Parker Soc.) 476 When Gods judgments begin to wax known, all things are commoved and troubled.1623Drummond of Hawthornden Flowers of Sion 20 Love..doth disturb the mind, And, like wild waves, all our designs commove.
3. To move in mind or feeling, stir to emotion, rouse to passion; to excite. (After 1500 almost exclusively Sc.)
1393Gower Conf. III. 205 Jupiter..was commeved of this thing.1430Lydg. Chron. Troy iii. xxii, With his crye he hath them so commeued.1485Caxton Chas. Gt. ii. i. iii. 43 Al the frensshe men were commoeued and troubled.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 577 Rycht far he wes commouit at that thing.1567in H. Campbell Love-lett. Mary Q. Scots (1824) App. 41 Albeit her Hienes was commoved, for the present time of hir taking, at the said Erle Boithvile.a1640Earl Stirling Sonn. in Campbell Spec. Brit. Poets III. 207 Such was Diana once, when being spied By rash Actæon, she was much commoved.1750Cloud of Witnesses App. (1810) 317 This so commoved him that he durst not go away.1818Scott Rob Roy viii, The clerk..was also commoved.1840Mrs. Carlyle Lett. I. 132 To feel yourself commoved by such phenomena.1850Mrs. Browning Poems I. 126 Commoving thee no less With that forced quietness.
b. To excite or incite to. Obs.
c1374Chaucer Troylus v. 1795 This commeveth me To speke.Ibid. iii. Proem. 17 Comeueden.Boeth. v. iv. 167 Voys or soune hurtliþ to þe eres and commoeuiþ hem to herkne.1651Charleton Ephes. & Cimm. Matrons ii. (1668) 45 To feel himself commoved to all sorts of Passions.
Hence coˈmmoved ppl. a., and coˈmmoving vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1641Bp. Hall Rem. Wks. (1660) 78 Dividing, striking, wounding, commoving, are as it were forced upon him.1647Ward Simp. Cobler 35 The gayest Kingdomes shall be but ruffling scuffling, removing and commoving hovells.1847Blackw. Mag. 768 The pulses of the commoved air.

