例句 FRIENDLY1 behaving in a friendly way2 usually enjoying talking to people and being with them3 friendly relationships/conversations4 friendly places/situations5 too friendly in a way that is unpleasant6 to be too friendly to someone in authorityRELATED WORDSoppositeUNFRIENDLYnice person 讨人喜欢的人 NICEsee alsoFRIENDPOLITEKINDRELATIONSHIP1 behaving in a friendly way 举止友好的 friendly /ˈfrendli/ [adjective] easy to talk to, and ready to behave like a friend towards people you have not met before 友善的,友好的 Ella was very friendly, and I liked her immediately. 埃拉这个人很友好,一见面我就喜欢上她了。 The hotel staff were very friendly and helpful. 这家旅馆的员工非常友好,乐于助人。friendly to/towards One surprise was how friendly everyone was to us on our travels. 在旅行途中人人都对我们很友好,这是让我们感到意外的一件事。 friendliness [uncountable noun] Everywhere he was treated with kindness and friendliness. 他在各个地方都受到亲切友好的接待。 nice /naɪs/ [adjective] someone who is nice is friendly and very easy to like 亲切友好的;讨人喜欢的 We met some really nice people at the party - friends of my sister. 我在聚会上认识了我姐姐的一些朋友,他们都非常友好。nice to All Brad's friends were very nice to me, but I was too shy to join in their chat. 布拉德的朋友都对我非常友好,但我太害羞,未能加入他们的聊天。 easy to get on with British /easy to get along with American /ˌiːzi tə get əˈlɒŋ wɪðǁ-əˈlɔːŋ-, ˌiːzi tə get ˈɒn wɪð/ [adjective phrase] friendly, relaxed, and not the type of person who causes unnecessary problems or arguments 随和的,易于相处的 What's he like? Is he easy to get on with? 他这人怎么样?好相处吗? As a director, I'm always looking for good actors, but it's a bonus if they are easy to get along with too. 作为导演我总是在寻觅优秀的演员,只是如果他们也性情随和就更好了。 easygoing /ˌiːziˈgəʊɪŋ◂/ [adjective] friendly and relaxed, and not easily annoyed or upset 脾气随和的,温和的 I feel lucky to have such an easygoing and affectionate child. 有这么性格随和、态度亲切的孩子我感到幸运。 Stein's easygoing manner is only one of the reasons he will be missed when he retires. 斯坦那随和的举止不过是他退休后大家会思念他的原因之 warm /wɔːʳm/ [adjective usually before noun] someone who is warm is very friendly in a sincere way, and seems to really care about other people 热情的 She's a warm, caring person, and she'll make a wonderful nurse. 她为人热情又关心人,会成为一个很好的护士。 He welcomed us with a warm smile. 他热情地微笑着迎接我们。 warmly [adverb] The Secretary General was warmly welcomed at the White House yesterday. 秘书长昨天在白宫受到了热情的欢迎。 approachable /əˈprəʊtʃəbəl/ [adjective] someone who is approachable is friendly and easy to talk to, even though they are in a more important position than you 易于接近的,平易近人的 If you have any problems, the head teacher is very approachable 如果你有什么问题的话可找校长,校长很平易近人。 Olivia has a reputation as an easygoing, approachable executive who always has lunch with her employees. 奥利维娅是个人所共知的随和而易于接近的经理,她总是与员工一起吃午餐。 welcoming /ˈwelkəmɪŋ/ [adjective] behaving in a way that shows you are glad to have other people visiting your home or your country, and doing things to make them feel relaxed and happy there 热情的,好客的 He stood at the door with a welcoming smile. 他站在门口,微笑着表示欢迎。 Restaurant and hotel prices in the area are reasonable, and the townspeople are welcoming. 该地区的饭店和旅馆价格公道,镇上的居民很热情好客。 hospitable /ˈhɒspɪtəbəl, hɒˈspɪ-ǁhɑːˈspɪ-, ˈhɑːspɪ-/ [adjective] someone who is hospitable is friendly and generous to you when you visit their home or their country 热情好客的 Most of the people I met in Laos were very hospitable and kind. 我在老挝遇到的人大多很好客友善。 hospitality /ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti, ˌhɒspəˈtælətiǁˌhɑː-/ [uncountable noun] someone's friendly, generous behaviour towards you when you visit their home or their country 好客 He was known for his hospitality and generosity. 大家都知道他好客大方。 affable /ˈæfəbəl/ [adjective] formal someone who is affable, especially a man, is polite, friendly, and cheerful 【正式】亲切有礼的,友好开朗的〔尤指男子〕 She married an affable, middle-aged businessman. 她嫁了一位亲切友善的中年商人。 Brown was affable and sympathetic, but also firm and decisive in dealing with the problems presented to him. 布朗亲切友好而富于同情心,但遇到问题需要他处理时则又坚决果断。 amiable /ˈeɪmiəbəl/ [adjective] formal friendly and pleasant, and not easily annoyed or worried 【正式】和蔼可亲的,和气的 The waiter was an amiable young man. 侍者是位和蔼的年轻人。 Cohen is soft-spoken and amiable. 科恩说话轻声柔和,态度和蔼可亲。 genial /ˈdʒiːniəl/ [adjective] formal friendly, often laughing and making jokes, and enjoyable to be with 【正式】亲切的,友好的 Dr Saito has a warm, genial manner. 斋藤博士态度热情、亲切。 Our hosts were genial and friendly, and our stay was a very pleasant one. 主人亲切友好,我们在逗留期间住得非常愉快。2 usually enjoying talking to people and being with them 通常喜欢与人交谈并与人在一起 sociable /ˈsəʊʃəbəl/ [adjective] She's a friendly, sociable woman. 她是个友好、爱与人交往的女人。 Some research has shown that people without brothers and sisters tend to be less sociable. 有些研究结果显示,没有兄弟姐妹的人一般较不喜欢与人交往。 outgoing /ˌaʊtˈgəʊɪŋ◂/ [adjective] someone who is outgoing likes to meet and talk to new people and is not nervous in social situations 外向的;大方的 She's become more outgoing since she went to college. 她上大学之后变得大方多了。 Marshall's skills and her outgoing personality made her very effective in her public relations jobs. 马歇尔的交际技巧加上她外向的性格使她在公共关系工作中非常得心应手。 extrovert British /extroverted American /ˈekstrəvəʳt, ˈekstrəvəʳtd/ [adjective] lively and confident and enjoying being with a lot of people 性格外向的;好交际的 Lisa is very extrovert, but her sister is a little shy. 莉萨性格很外向,可她妹妹有点腼腆。 Brass players have a reputation as the most extroverted musicians - they're the party animals of the orchestra. 铜管乐师以性格最为外向的音乐家而出名,他们是乐队里最爱参加聚会的一群人。 extrovert /ˈekstrəvəʳt/ [countable noun] someone who is extrovert: 性格外向的人 The work in sales appeals to the extrovert in me. 销售工作激发了我性格中外向的一面。3 friendly relationships/conversations 友好的关系/谈话 friendly /ˈfrendli/ [adjective] Friendly relations between the two countries have continued through this difficult time. 两国之间的友好关系在此困难的时候得以延续。on friendly terms in a friendly way 友好地,和气地 Fontaine said that he was leaving the company on very friendly terms. 方丹说他将以十分友好的方式离开公司。 amicable /ˈæmɪkəbəl, ˈæməkəbəl/ [adjective] formal an amicable arrangement or solution is one when people who do not agree with each other are able to solve their problems in a reasonably friendly way 【正式】〔安排或解决方法〕和睦的,友好的 The meeting between the two leaders was very amicable. 双方领导人的会议气氛很友好。amicable arrangement/divorce/solution etc Simons sent his attorney to meet with the ranchers in hopes that they could still come to an amicable settlement. 西蒙斯派律师去见牧场主,期望他们仍能以友好的方式达成协议。 cordial /ˈkɔːʳdiəlǁ-dʒəl/ [adjective] a cordial relationship between two people or groups is one in which people are polite and friendly to each other although they are not close friends 〔两个人或两组人〕和睦的 Britain and Portugal have had cordial relations for more than four centuries. 四个多世纪以来英国和葡萄牙一直保持着友好的关系。 Donnely was polite and cordial, but she refused to sign the contract. 唐纳利态度礼貌温和,但她拒绝在合同上签字。 cordially [adverb] He greeted them cordially. 他以亲切的态度与他们打招呼。4 friendly places/situations 友好的地方/场合 friendly /ˈfrendli/ [adjective] The restaurant had good food and a friendly atmosphere. 这家餐馆食物精美,气氛友好。 You're lucky to work in such a friendly office. 在这样一个气氛友好的办公室里工作你真是有福气。 welcoming /ˈwelkəmɪŋ/ [adjective] a place, room etc that is welcoming makes you feel relaxed and happy to be there 〔地方或房间等〕亲切惬意的 A bunch of fresh flowers on the table always looks welcoming. 在桌上放一束鲜花看上去总让人感到亲切惬意。 a bright, clean, welcoming room 一个明亮清洁、令人感到舒适的房间 convivial /kənˈvɪviəl/ [adjective] formal a convivial event or social situation is one in which people are friendly to each other and enjoy themselves 【正式】〔活动或社交场合〕欢乐友好的 The mood was relaxed and convivial. 气氛轻松而友好。 Pubs are good places for a drink and some convivial conversation. 小酒馆是喝酒谈笑的好地方。5 too friendly in a way that is unpleasant 太友好以致让人觉得不快 familiar /fəˈmɪliəʳ/ [adjective] talking to someone as if you know them very well although in fact you do not, especially in a way that people think is unpleasant or offensive 随便的;放肆的 I don't like it when men I've just met are too familiar. 我不喜欢有些男人刚见面就很随便。 She came up to me and started talking in such a familiar way that I thought I must have met her before. 她走过来用非常随便的态度跟我说起话来,使我以为自己以前肯定见过她。 smarmy /ˈsmɑːʳmi/ [adjective] informal someone who is smarmy behaves in a very friendly way but seems completely insincere 【非正式】讨好的;虚情假意的 He's been criticized for his smarmy behavior when interviewing celebrities. 他遭到批评说他在采访名流时媚态十足。 a slick, smarmy public relations officer 一位世故圆滑而谄词令色的公关官员 He denies calling the Prime Minister ‘smarmy’. 他否认自己说过首相是“假殷勤的”。 over-friendly /ˌəʊvəʳ ˈfrendli◂/ [adjective] British if someone is over-friendly, they are too friendly in a way that is unpleasant, for example standing or sitting too close to you 【英】太友好的,过于随便的 A man in the pub was a little over-friendly, so I left early. 小酒馆里有个男人太过友好,于是我提前离开了。 obsequious /əbˈsiːkwiəs/ [adjective] formal someone who is obsequious always tries too hard to be friendly and helpful, and always agrees with what other people say, in a way that people think is very annoying 【正式】阿谀逢迎的,卑恭屈膝的 The waiter was polite and efficient, but not obsequious. 这侍者彬彬有礼,工作勤快,但并不阿谀逢迎。 All this obsequious praise for his actions is enough to make most normal people sick. 所有这些对他的行为的阿谀逢迎足以使大多数正常人感到恶心。 slimy /ˈslaɪmi/ [adjective] informal someone who is slimy is too friendly and praises people too much in a way that is clearly dishonest and makes you think they are just trying to get an advantage for themselves 【非正式】谄媚的,虚伪的 What a slimy, horrible man. 多虚伪,多可怕的人啊。 They had the usual slimy politician on TV talking about ‘the innate good sense of the voters’. 他们照常让那个虚伪的政客在电视上大谈什么“选民天生的明智”。6 to be too friendly to someone in authority 对有权的人太过友好 suck up to somebody informal also creep up to somebody British informal also kiss up to somebody American informal /ˌsʌk ˈʌp tə somebody, ˌkriːp ˈʌp tə somebody, ˌkɪs ˈʌp tə somebody/ [transitive phrasal verb] to say or do a lot of nice things to someone in authority, in order to make them like you and help you in some way - use this to show disapproval 奉承,讨好,拍…马屁 Sucking up to the teacher doesn't mean you'll pass your exams. 拍老师马屁并不能保证你会通过考试。 I'm not going to kiss up to anyone for favors. 我不会为了得到好处而去讨好任何人。 He was creeping up to the interviewer, trying to look good. 他想讨好面试的主考人,争取到好的印象。 grovel /ˈgrɒvəlǁˈgrɑː-, ˈgrʌ-/ [intransitive verb] to behave in a very respectful, obedient way towards someone, because you want them to help you or forgive you 奴颜婢膝 If a police officer stops your car, be respectful to him, but don't grovel. 如果有警察把你的车拦下来,对他要有礼貌,但别奴颜婢膝。grovel for The department is having to grovel for money again. 该部门又得唯唯诺诺地申请经费了。grovel to British I grovelled to my parents and promised I wouldn't do it again. 我谦卑地向父母保证以后不再干这种事了。 grovelling British /groveling American [adjective] He received a grovelling apology. 他得到了卑躬屈膝的道歉。 brown-nose /ˈbraʊn nəʊz/ [intransitive/transitive verb] informal to be very nice to someone in authority and help them do things in order to try to make them like you and help you - use this to show disapproval 【非正式】拍马屁 Kids don't want other kids to think they're brown-nosing, so they don't tell teachers when they've enjoyed a class. 小孩子不愿让其他小孩认为自己在拍马屁,所以当他们喜欢某堂课时不会对老师这么说。 creep /kriːp/ [countable noun] British someone who pretends to really respect or admire someone, but only in order to make the other person like them or do something for them 【英】马屁精 She's such a creep at work. 她在工作时真是个马屁精。 Will's the class creep, and the teachers don't notice. 威尔是班上的马屁精,但老师们并未注意到。

