
词组 overestimate

■ overestimate

... cannot be overestimated 是“如何估价都不过高”,这个 cannot 不是“禁止”,而是“不可能发生”。参见 cannot... too... 与 overemphasize 条。但是要注意:通常是“过高…”时这个 cannot 是“不可能发生”;如果是“过低…”(underestimate)时,这个 cannot 就是“劝阻”、“不可以”、“禁止”了(因为通常不会说“如何估价都不过低”)。

  • "When you show young people the telescope, they really seem to get it," he said, "SALT (South African Large Telescope) makes them want to get into science. You can't underestimate that in a country where science and math education were systematically neglected." (The Washington Post, April 24, 2006)“你给年轻人看看这个望远镜,他们就的确显得跃跃欲试,”他说。“南非大望远镜使得他们渴望搞科学。这一点,在一个过去一向忽视科学和数学教育的国家,是不可以低估的。”

