
词组 than

■ than1

同 as 相类似,than 也可以“一身而多任”,就是说,它一方面可以充当比较连词(表示“比…更…”),同时又可以“兼差”,包揽了自己后面两个成分的作用,一个是 than 后面的名词成分,一个是这个名词成分后面本应有的关系代词。大体上有如下几种情况:

1) than 既充当“本职”的比较连词,又包揽代表了前面出现过的名词,还“兼并”了该名词后面的关系代词 that, which 或 who。这个关系代词,在其引入的从句中,可以是主语,也可以是宾语、表语,等等。

a) 关系代词在从句中是主语。

  • You have more money than (= than the money that) is necessary.你的钱用不完。
  • There are more things in heaven and earth than (= than the things which) are dreamt of in your philosophy.天地之间发生的许多事,是你在哲学中做梦也想不到的。
  • Noah's personality had clearly changed, even more than (= than the personality that) appeared on the surface.诺亚的性格有了明显的改变,甚至改变得比表面看出来的更加厉害。
  • The mild winter allowed more construction activity than (= than the construction activity that) would have normally occurred. (BusinessWeek)由于这个冬季气候温和,所以建筑工程比正常的时候多。
  • More deals were made in this room over breakfast, lunch and cocktails than (= than the deals that) were consummated in all the offices of all the studios combined.在这个大厅,在早餐、午餐和鸡尾酒会当中做成的交易,比所有办公室和摄影棚里谈妥的交易还多。
  • What is really unacceptable to us is if different standards are applied to us than (= than the standards that) are applied to other countries.我们确实无法接受的,是用于我们身上的标准,竟然不同于那些用于别的国家的标准。
  • Even professional Hollywood child actors had more privacy, schooling and off-camera time than (= the privacy, schooling and off-camera time that) has been granted to Elián González.就连好莱坞的职业童星们,他们享有的隐私、学校教育和不上镜头的时间,也比埃利安·贡萨雷斯多。
  • ... many more individuals of each species are born than (= than those that) can possibly survive; ... (Darwin, The Origin of Species)…每一物种生下来的个体,比之有可能生存的个体,数量大得多…

b) 关系代词在从句中是宾语。

  • In places like Stalingrad, more people were lost in the siege of one city than (= than the people whom) Americans have lost in all their wars combined.在像斯大林格勒那样的地方,单单一座城市被围而损失的人数,就多于美国人在所有历次战争中加在一起损失的人数。
  • We need simpler, less scientific words than (= than the words that) you're accustomed to using.我们需要比你们所习惯使用的更为通俗的、不那么科学腔的词语。
  • What I want is a reasoned discussion and better causes for disagreeing with me than (= than the causes that) you've given already.我所需要的是合情合理的讨论,而且请诸位如果不同意我的看法,就提出比您所已经提出过的更为站得住的理由。
  • These were magnificent gestures, but they were more than (= than the gestures that) the system could stand. (New York Review of Books, Nov. 4, 2004, p.29)这些姿态是很堂皇的,但是这个制度对之却无法容忍。
  • The adjustment to having more time on her hands than (= than the time that) she could use did not come easily.调整到让她手头掌握有用不完的时间,是来之不易的。
  • Some teachers have more control over pupils than (= than the control that) their parents have.有些老师对学生比家长更有控制力。
  • In her new job, she would have less direct contact with Sam Hawthorne than (= than the direct contact that) she'd had for the preceding three years.她在新的职位上,同萨姆·霍桑的直接接触,就会比前三年少。

有时候关系代词在从句中是宾语,但是从句中的主语仍然带上助动词 do(而且颠倒在主语之前)代表谓语动词。

  • His reasoning was that she had merely made a lucky, unscientific guess; Therefore she deserved no more intellectual credit than did the holder of a winning lottery ticket (= than the intellectual credit that the holder of a winning lottery ticket deserved).他的推理是:她只不过是碰巧猜中,不是凭科学猜出来的。因此,她在智力上的得分,并不超过一个持有中奖彩票的人。

c) 关系代词在从句中是表语。

  • Monkeys are more distantly related to humans than are apes (= than apes are related to humans)猴子同人类的关系,比猿同人类的关系远了些。

d) than 所“包办代替”的名词成分,不是重复代替前面出现的名词,而是代表一个较空泛的名词成分如 what 之类(又兼关系代词 that)。

  • The armor made it (=the car) a ton heavier than (= than what) was the norm for an S600 Benz.由于加了钢甲,车子比 S600 奔驰通常的重量重了一吨。
  • The economy is more fragile than (= than what) might have been hoped. (US News & World Report, Set. 9, 2002, p 72)经济比本来能够希望的更为脆弱。
  • The job was taking far longer than (= than what) he'd imagined. (Dan Brown, Digital Fortress, p.274)这个活儿拖的时间,比他所想像的要长得多。
  • In fact, doctors are finding that psychosocial factors pose far greater risks than (= than what) they previously realized. (Newsweek, Oct. 3, 2005, p.51)的确,医生们正在发现,社会心理因素,引起的风险,远远大于他们从前所知道的。
  • You've been too successful—or, rather far more successful than (= than what) anyone expected.你一直都太成功了,或者也可以说,比任何人所预料的都成功得多。

如果是 what is + pp,有时候 what is 可以省略。

  • It's taking a bit longer than(= than what was) expected. (Dan Brown, Digital Fortress, p.253)拖的时间比预料的长了一点。

2) than 所“包揽”的不是名词成分而是副词成分。

  • His legs surged beneath him faster than (=than how fast) he'd ever known they could move.他的双腿在他身下伸出来了,他从来都不知道能伸得这么快。

3) than 后面有时候用了一些多余的字。

  • They could be more easily disciplined and fired than is the case with other civil servants.对他们可以比之对其他公务员更容易加以纪律处置或是解雇。

■ than2

作比较时,than 后面的句子成分,可以同前面的不同句子成分相对应。

  • He loves you better than I.他比我更加爱你。
  • He loves you better than me.他爱你比爱我更甚。
  • He has a larger car than yours中的 yours 是同前面的 his car 对应。
  • People work better with air conditioning than without.人们有空调比没有空调能工作得更好(这句中的 without 是同前面的 with air conditioning 相对应)。
  • It snows less in New York than in Toronto“纽约下雪比多伦多少”中 in Toronto是同前面的 in New York 相对应。

有时候前面是个介词短语,than 后面甚至可以把介词略去。

  • More black men are in jail than (in) college. (Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2007, p.44)坐牢的黑种男子,比念大学的多。

有时候,甚至前面不是比较级,只是 different 之类表示差异的词,than 后面的成分也可以同前面的主语相对应。

  • If you ask a hedge fund manager what's he worried about, he's going to give you a very different answer than a guy who just lost his job in a factory in Orange City. (Mike Huckabee, Republican hopeful for presidential nomination in 2008)如果你问一个套头资金经理人,他担心的是什么,他给你的回答,同奥兰治市一家工厂一名刚失去工作的人(给你的回答),会是大不相同的。

有时候 than 后面的成分究竟同 than 前面的哪一个成分相对应,字面上可以有歧义,但是凭语境可以判断。

  • I am not going to be endorsing anybody, but I have written much more favorably about Barack Obama than Hillary Clinton...(Arianna Huffington, US News & World Report, May 19, 2008, p.18)我不打算挺任何人,但是我所写过的东西,对于奥巴马比之对于希拉里·克林顿,更为赞同…



