
单词 boycott
释义 boycott v[Tn] (a) (usu of a group of people) refuse to have social or commercial relations with (a person, company, country, etc) (通常指一群人)拒绝与(某人、公司、国家等)交往或通商. (b) refuse to handle or buy (goods); refuse to take part in (eg a meeting) 拒绝处理或购买(货物); 拒绝参加(如会议); 抵制     boycotting foreign imports 抵制外国货物进口     Athletes from several countries boycotted the Olympic Games. 有好几国的运动员抵制奥林匹克运动会. boycott, n refusal to deal or trade with (a person, country, etc); refusal to handle (goods) (对与某人、某国等交往或贸易的)抵制; (对处理货物的)抵制     place/put sth under a boycott 对某事物实行抵制.

