
单词 pyrotic
释义 pyˈrotic, a. and n. Med. Obs.
[ad. mod.L. pyrōtic-us, a. Gr. πυρωτικός burning, f. πυροῦν to burn.]
= caustic A. 1, B. 1.
1634T. Johnson Parey's Chirurg. xxvi. xviii. (1678) 640 That medicine is said to be Pyrotick or Caustick, which by its acrimony and biting..burns and consumes the skin and flesh.1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. vi. 205 Not unlike the impression of an actual Pyrotick.1728Chambers Cycl., Pyrotics,..remedies either actually, or potentially hot; and which, accordingly, will burn the Flesh, and raise an Eschar.1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Pyroticus,..having power to burn; caustic: pyrotic.

