
单词 ritualization
释义 ritualization|rɪtjuːəlaɪˈzeɪʃən|
[f. ritualize v. + -ation.]
1. Zool. The evolutionary process by which an action or behaviour pattern in an animal loses its ostensible function and changes into an effective social signal for other members of the species.
[1914J. S. Huxley in Proc. Zool. Soc. I. 506 A very different question..is also well brought out in the pairing⁓habits of the Great Crested Grebe: I mean the gradual change of a useful action into a symbol and then into a ritual.1923― in Jrnl. Linnean Soc. (Zool.) XXXV. 278 The ‘ritual’ use of non-sexual actions during courtship.]1942N. Tinbergen in Bibliotheca Biotheoretica I. 90 Substitute movements often have signal functions, and, doubtless in connection with these functions, may be extremely ritualised, so that they become unrecognisable when no comparative study is made. The degree of ritualisation actually reached is impressively illustrated by Lorenz' careful study of the epigamic movements of Anatinas.1952― in Q. Rev. Biol. XXVII. 23/2 This new function [of releasing responses in other individuals] must have started a new evolutionary development during which the displacement activities became increasingly better adapted to it. This evolutionary displacement I have called ‘ritualization’, following Huxley (1923).1965New Scientist 17 June 768/2 The chief survival value of ritualization is obviously in the recanalization or the discharging of aggression.1966W. H. Thorpe in Thorpe & Zangwill Current Probl. Animal Behaviour ii. 94 In the process of ritualisation, certain elements are exaggerated whilst other elements tend to disappear entirely.1974Nature 3 May 8/3 Another feature of mutual courtship [in birds] is the extent of ritualisation; but this also applies to many male unilateral displays where the sexes have different plumage.
2. Psychol. The formalization of certain actions that serve to express a particular emotion or state of mind which is either innate or acquired as part of a social code.
1932M. Gabain tr. Piaget's Moral Judgment of Child i. 42 This phenomenon..is the counterpart of that sort of ritualization of behaviour which can be observed in any baby before it can speak or have experienced any specifically moral adult pressure.1934Gesell & Thompson Infant Behav. iii. 190 Ritualization is a reinstatement of the situation, a method of defining and perhaps improving new abilities; but it is itself a general ability, an intrinsic product of growth.1951J. Holloway Lang. & Intelligence x. 189 The systematization of language is exactly parallel to the ritualization of behaviour.1961C. & W. M. S. Russell Human Behav. ii. 93 Ritualization serves to make the movement provide simple key stimuli, by simplifying it and exaggerating it.1970E. Klinghammer tr. Eibl-Eibesfeldt's Ethology vi. 101 The cultural ritualizations of man follow the pattern of phylogenetic ritualization.1978E. Erikson Toys & Reasons ii. 69, I will chart only one use of playfulness throughout life which has received little attention, namely what I call ritualization in everyday life.
3. The action of forming a social or religious ritual.
1952Gerth & Martindale tr. Weber's Anc. Judaism xiii. 353 This ritualization of dietary habits made commensalism very difficult.1952T. Parsons Social System 414 The particularism, traditionalism, and ‘ritualization’ of traditional Chinese society.1962M. Gluckman Ess. Ritual of Social Relations 24, I propose to use the phrase ‘ritualization of social relationships’—and for brevity ‘ritualization’—to define this tendency... I can only plead that my readers should..take ‘ritualization’ as referring to a stylized ceremonial.1966Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. CCLI. 413 If we consider the ritual of coronation from the point of view of its manifest subject matter, we describe it as the ritualization of eminent office.1978J. D. Crichton in C. Jones et al. Study of Liturgy i. 5 One of the most constant features of human history is the ritualization of the great events of human life, birth, marriage, and death.

