
单词 respond
释义 I. respond, n.|rɪˈspɒnd|
Also 4–6 responde. See also respound, n.
[a. OF. respond (Godef.), f. respondre: cf. next and response n.]
1. Eccl.
a. = responsory n. 1 a. (See also quot. 1710.)
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 39 He made in preysinge of oure lady þe respondes [L. responsoria] ‘Stirps Iesse’ and ‘Solem iusticie’.c1394P. Pl. Crede 377 A ribaut.. þat can nouȝt wel reden His rewle ne his respondes but be pure rote.c1431Rec. St. Mary at Hill (1905) 16 To go on procession to the tombe..syngyng a Respond of Seynte Stephen with the prose therto.1494Fabyan Chron. vi. cciii. 213 He made dyuers impnes, sequenses, and respondes.1547Injunct. Edw. VI in Cardwell Doc. Ann. (1839) I. 14 When ix lessons should be read in the church, three of them shall be omitted, and left out with the responds.1579Fulke Refut. Rastel 743 The very sound and sense of the Anthemnes, Respondes, and Versicles, declare whence they proceeded.1662Bk. Com. Prayer Conc. Service Ch. ⁋2 This godly..Order of the ancient Fathers hath been so altered..by planting in uncertain stories, and Legends, with multitude of Responds, Verses, vain Repetitions [etc.].1710Wheatley Bk. Com. Prayer (1759) iii. 128 note, A Respond is a short Anthem, interrupting the middle of a chapter, which is not to proceed till the Anthem is done. The long Responses are used at the close of the Lessons.1855Procter Hist. Bk. Com. Pr. 167 marg., The Respond and Anthem.1888Tablet 9 June 932 Consecutive readings of Holy Scripture, instead of fractional portions interrupted by incongruous responds.
b. A response to a versicle.
c1555Bradford Hurt Hearing Mass (Copland) D iiij, The clarke answering in the name of al, Et cum spiritu tuo, and other respondes.1627Cosin's Corr. (Surtees) I. 111 Doth he begin with the Lord's Prayer; orderly proceeding with the Verses and Responds, so that the Clark and people may answere him?1659H. L'Estrange Alliance Div. Off. 76 These versicles with their Responds are pure Canonical Scripture.1861Tulloch Eng. Purit. 289 They went to church, and would answer the parson in responds.1862Goulburn Pers. Relig. ii. x. (1870) 139 The audible respond is valuable.
transf.1613Purchas Pilgrimage viii. vii. (1614) 773 The King and his Magician stand neerest the tree and begin, all the people following with their Responds.
2. An answer, a response. Now rare.
1600Holland Livy xxxviii. xiii. 990 The priests and prophets there deliuer the reponds and answeres of the Oracle in uerses.1675J. Smith Chr. Relig. App. ii. 45 The same Platonick introduceth Apollo, giving Responds against the hair.1868J. K. Hunter Retrospect Artist's Life xxvi. 248 A grand respond to my appeal.
b. A part in singing. Obs. rare—1.
1601Holland Pliny I. 286 Of late we haue known many of them taught..to sing..and keepe their responds in course after others, in good consent and harmony.
3. Arch. A half-pillar or half-pier attached to a wall to support an arch. Cf. respound n. 2.
1448Hen. VI Will in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) I. 354 The same Quere shal conteyne in brede from side to side within the respondes .xxxij. fete.Ibid., The yle..fro respond to respond .xv. fete.
1838Britton Dict. Archit. 393 From these..passages it appears that a half column, or a pilaster attached to a wall, or to a pillar, and responding, or corresponding, to another on the opposite side of the building, was called a respond.1851Turner Dom. Archit. II. ii. 29 There are no responds, the arches at the ends springing from corbels.1881Freeman Subj. Venice 208 The four responds have the four evangelistic symbols.
attrib.1847Hadfield Eccl., Castell., & Dom. Archit. 5 The respond-corbel at the west end of the north side.1886Willis & Clark Cambridge II. 119 The respond-shafts and wall-ribs still adhere..to the sides of that noble quadrangle.
II. respond, v.|rɪˈspɒnd|
[ad. L. respondēre, f. re- re- + spondēre to pledge, promise, warrant. So OF. respondre (mod.F. répondre), Sp. and Pg. responder, It. re-, rispondere. For early forms in Eng. see respound v.]
1. trans. To provide with a corresponding entry. Obs. rare.
1588J. Mellis Briefe Instr. D viij, That each parcell both in your Debitor and Creditor be orderly noted and responded in your Journall.
2. a. To answer or correspond to (something); to reciprocate. Now rare or Obs.
1600Fairfax Tasso x. xl, His great deedes respond his speeches great.Ibid. xiv. x, The water..Which sea sometime is call'd, sometime the maine, Yet nought therein responds a name so great.1642J. M[arsh] Argt. conc. Militia 4 The king should not be denied the means, by which he may respond the great confidence placed in him.1804Something Odd III. 99 The sweet smiles she bestowed on him, were now responded by each countenance.
b. U.S. To answer, satisfy.
1890Cent. Dict. s.v., The prisoner was held to respond the judgment of the court.
c. Bridge. To make (a bid) in reply to a partner's opening (or subsequent) bid. Cf. responder 1 b.
1958Listener 16 Oct. 611/2 East should have responded Two Hearts.1959T. Reese Bridge Player's Dict. 158 If one diamond were opened and partner responded two clubs, there would not be a sound rebid.1976Times 1 May 12/6 To partner's opening One Heart it is dangerous to respond Two Clubs.
3. intr.
a. To correspond to something. rare.
1591Sparry tr. Cattan's Geomancie i. xxviii. 41 The principall pointes..do diuide the Zodiacke into foure partes or quarters, responding to the foure parts and seasons of the yeare.1838[see respond n. 3].
b. To make answer, to give a reply, in words. Also fig.
1719Waterland Vind. Christ's Div. 7 Your Business was not to oppose, but to respond.a1734Oldisworth in Johnson L.P., Smith, I remember him in the divinity school responding and disputing with a perspicuous energy.1816Shelley Daemon i. 51 When west winds sigh and evening waves respond In whispers from the shore.1832Palmer Orig. Liturg. II. 21 A long litany, in which the deacon directed the people to pray for many different objects and the people responded.1878Browning La Saisiaz 24 Mine is but man's truest answer—how Were it did God respond?
c. To answer by some responsive act; to act in response to some influence.
1726W. Broome To Pope, Poems (1727) 97 To every Theme responds thy various Lay.1791Mrs. Radcliffe Rom. Forest i, Her mind responded but too easily to the apprehension of new misfortunes.1862Spencer First Princ. i. iv. §25 (1875) 83 Chemical actions responding to the co-existence of light, heat, water, and carbonic acid around it.1872Huxley Physiol. ix. 221 A defect in the retina, which renders that organ unable to respond to different kinds of luminous vibrations.1876Jrnl. Soc. Telegr. Engin. V. 514 We wish to construct a receiver to respond to a tone made by 128 vibrations per second.1910J. Erskine-Murray Wireless Telephones vii. 51 An electric circuit will respond most readily to impulses which come timed to its own natural rate of vibration.1939N. de V. Hart Bridge Players' Bedside Bk. xii. 57 North responded to the Forcing Two in Diamonds with Two Hearts.1952A. Grimble Pattern of Islands 233 One or two cases had begun to respond to gynocardate injections.1954G. I. M. Swyer Reproduction & Sex xv. 203 More of the women..had responded until they were in their fifties or sixties.1967M. Kenyon Whole Hog xx. 195 You could have responded to my three clubs, you could have said something.
d. U.S. To give satisfaction.
1890Cent. Dict. s.v., The defendant is held to respond in damages.

