
单词 reprobation
释义 reprobation|rɛprəˈbeɪʃən|
Also 5–6 -cio(u)n.
[ad. late L. reprobātiōn-em, noun of action f. reprobāre: see reprobate v. and -ation, and cf. F. réprobation (14th c.).]
1. Reproof, shame. Obs. rare—1.
1436Libel Eng. Policy in Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 165 They that the see shulde kepe are moche to blame..And Seynt Malouse turneth hem to reprobacioun.
2. The action of raising objections or exceptions (against a thing or person); a legal objection or exception. rare.
c1485Digby Myst. (1882) ii. 46 We know your trewe delygens To persue all tho that do reprobacion A-gayns owur lawes by ony redarguacion.1681Stair Inst. Law Scot., Form of Process 43 The Lords will supersede to advise the Testimonies..till the Reprobation be first advised.1856Bouvier Law Dict., Reprobation, The propounding of exceptions either against facts, persons or things, as to allege that certain deeds or instruments have not been duly or lawfully executed.
3. Theol. Rejection by God; the state of being so rejected or cast off, and thus ordained to eternal misery. (Opposed to election in the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination: cf. reprobate a. 4 and v. 2.)
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 815/1 To fall in dispicions vpon Gods eleccion,..and eternall sentence of reprobacion.a1569A. Kingsmill Confl. Satan (1578) 16 Is it then such a note of reprobation as that a man may say..we are not Gods children?1628Wither Brit. Rememb. viii. 533 They Reprobation otherwhile confound With our Predestination.1651C. Cartwright Cert. Relig. i. 222 Austine doth call reprobation predestination to destruction.1699Burnet 39 Art. xvii. (1700) 167 Those who do once persuade themselves that the Doctrine of Reprobation is false.1753Smollett Ct. Fathom (1784) 51/2 He would have left the whole species in a state of reprobation, rather than redeem them at that price.1813Shelley Q. Mab vii. 149 These in a gulf of anguish and of flame, Shall curse their reprobation endlessly.1860Pusey Min. Proph. 30 To sin on without punishment is a sign of reprobation.
4. Rejection of a person or thing; condemnation as worthless or spurious.
1582N.T. (Rhem.) Heb. vii. 18 Reprobation certes is made of the former commandment.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 232 It is good also to set down the faults and signes of reprobation in Horses.1693Dryden Disc. Satire Ess. (ed. Ker) II. 23 You are empowered to..set a brand of reprobation on clipt poetry, and false coin.1805Forsyth Beauties Scotl. II. 443 The out-field land remained in a state of utter reprobation. No dung was ever spread on any part of it.
b. Disapproval, censure, reproof.
1727Pope & Gay Punning Swift's Wks. 1751 VI. 247 The Lord mercifully spared his Neck, but as a mark of Reprobation wryed his Nose.1797Mrs. Radcliffe Italian xi, She proceeded to speak of Ellena with the caustic of severe reprobation.a1848R. W. Hamilton Rew. & Punishm. vii. (1853) 330 The history unfolded by Scripture is one series of reprobations against sin.1883Spencer in Contemp. Rev. XLIII. 15 The fear of public reprobation affects men more than the fear of divine vengeance.
c. Token of condemnation; disfigurement.
1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. I. 381 There is scarce a limb of the body, or scarce a feature of the face, that has not suffered some reprobation, either from art or nature.
Hence reproˈbationer, a believer in the doctrine of reprobation. Obs. rare—1.
1692South Serm. (1727) III. 431 Any of the Geneva, or Scotch Model, (which sort of sanctified Reprobationers we abound with).

