“Saturday night”的英英意思

单词 Saturday night
释义 Saturday night
[Saturday 3.]
1. Used attrib. of activities taking place on or as on a Saturday night, esp. some form of revelry.
[1847H. Melville Omoo xii. 49 The evening of the last day of the week was always celebrated by what is styled on board of English vessels, ‘The Saturday-night bottles’. Two of these were sent down into the forecastle, just after dark.]1896‘M. Rutherford’ Clara Hopgood xii. 121 Saturday-night drunkenness and looseness in the relations between the young men and young women. [1938G. Greene Brighton Rock iii. 124 ‘Saturday,’ he thought, ‘today's Saturday,’ remembering the room at home, the frightening weekly exercise of his parents which he watched from his single bed.Ibid. vii. 320 The Boy was shaken again with his nocturnal Saturday disgust. He couldn't blame his father now... You couldn't even blame the girl.]1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §509/17 Saturday-night habit, week-end habit, indulgence in small amounts of narcotics at irregular intervals.1951Evening Sun (Baltimore) 27 Mar. 4/1 The graduate ‘hype’ was a ‘student’ or ‘hoosier fiend’ who ‘dabbled’ with drugs occasionally. He had what is known as ‘chippy habit’, a ‘Saturday night habit’, or an ‘ice cream habit’.1963R. I. McDavid Mencken's Amer. Lang. xi. 742 Most cats consider it necessary to probe the mystic depths with the assistance of wine, a joint of pot.., peyote buttons and large infusions of invigorating jazz music—..in any event indulged in with friends as part of the Saturday night kicks.1964New Statesman 17 Apr. 606/2 Is the Saturday-night blind..any less characteristic of the modern urbanised proletariat than of the traditional rural peasantry?1976N.Y. Times Mag. 10 Oct. 111/2 [In the southern States of the U.S.] there were all those cross burnings, lynching bees and Sairday Nite Socials.
2. spec. attrib. uses: Saturday night palsy or Saturday night paralysis, temporary local paralysis of the arm, esp. wrist drop, after it has rested on a hard edge for a long time, as during sleep following a bout of drinking (colloq.); Saturday night pistol (U.S. colloq.) = Saturday night special; Saturday night soldier, a member of a volunteer army, as opp. a regular soldier; Saturday night special (U.S. colloq.), a cheap, low-calibre pistol or revolver such as might be used by a petty criminal.
1927I. S. Wechsler Textbk. Clin. Neurol. iii. 249 The frequent occurrence of wrist drop in alcoholics who fall asleep and lean heavily on the arm has given rise to the common designation of ‘Saturday night palsy’.1942Sun (Baltimore) 23 Apr. 22/2 A similar ailment is called ‘shelter paralysis’—formerly known as ‘Saturday night paralysis’ because its victims were generally payday tipplers.1951E. Paul Springtime in Paris xii. 216 Berthe was suffering from what is known in the United States as Saturday-night paralysis,..when drunken men go to sleep in gutters, with one arm across a sharp kerbstone.1974Passmore & Robson Compan. Med. Stud. III. xxxiv. 35/1 Wrist drop thus produced is known as a ‘Saturday night palsy’.
1929M. A. Gill Underworld Slang, Saturday night pistol, 25 automatic.
1917A. G. Empey Over Top 311 Terrier’, Tommy's nickname for a Territorial or ‘Saturday-night soldier’.1974Maclean's Mag. Oct. 30/1 My husband was a Saturday Night soldier, the militia, and he couldn't wait for the war and when it started, zoom, he was called up and then he was happy.
1968N.Y. Times 17 Aug. 1/1 Title IV of that law bans the importation of the cheap, small-caliber ‘Saturday night specials’ that are a favorite of holdup men.1976Pioneer (Big Timber, Montana) 30 June 4/2 A ban on ‘Saturday Night Special’ handguns.1977C. McFadden Serial xlvi. 98/1 I'm not packing a Saturday-night special, really.
Hence Saturday nighter, a person who attends an entertainment on a Saturday night; Saturday-night v. intr., to spend a Saturday night in enjoyment or revelling.
1962D. Lessing Golden Notebk. iv. 462 The fellows were out Saturday-nighting true-hearted, the wild-hearted Saturday-night gang of true friends.1966Listener 24 Mar. 422/2 The Korean script announced that Dr No was showing inside. So he was..and half the population of Korea was inside, too..all of us lapping up James Bond like Surbiton Saturday nighters.

