
单词 spere
释义 I. spere
obs. form of spear, speer, sphere.
II. spere, a. Obs.
Also speer.
[Of obscure origin.]
Frail, delicate.
c1440Promp. Parv. 468 Spere, or fres (K. freshe or brityl, P. britill or brekyll), fragilis.c1440Jacob's Well 221 My chayere is my body of speer brotyl & rotyn bonys, in whiche my soule sytteth.1486Bk. St. Albans, Hawking e viii b, She may be callid a Spere hawke for of all the hawkys that ther be she is moost spere, that is to say moost tendre to kepe.

