
单词 spoliation
释义 spoliation|spəʊlɪˈeɪʃən|
Also 5 -acioune, 5–6 -acio(u)n, 6 -atioun.
[ad. L. spoliātio, n. of action from spoliāre (see spoliate v.), or a. F. spoliation (16th cent.).]
1. The action of spoliating, despoiling, pillaging, or plundering; seizure of goods or property by violent means; depredation, robbery. Also, the condition of being despoiled or pillaged.
c1400Beryn 1600 Þere nys within our shippis no þing of spoliacioun, But all trewe marchaundise.Ibid. 2979 What nedith..to make such aray? Sith wee been pese-marchantis, & vse no spoliacioune.1478Acta Domin. Conc. 3/1 Þe accioun..anent þe spoliacioun of certane gudes pundit and takin be þaim.1503in Littlejohn Aberd. Sheriff Crt. (1904) 47 Patrick..persewit thir persones..for the Spoliacioun of xviiixx bollis of atis.1566Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 481 The manifest piracie and depredatioun committit be certane Scottismen in the pilleing and spoliatioun of thair schippis and gudis.
1800Colquhoun Comm. Thames viii. 267 These guards secure the Revenue of the State from waste and spoliation.1832tr. Sismondi's Ital. Rep. xii. 277 He brought Rome into a state of poverty and spoliation hitherto unexampled.1889Jessopp Coming of Friars vi. 285 A very large proportion of the endowments..came from the spoliation of the parochial clergy.
b. transf. (See quot.)
1767Gooch Treat. Wounds I. 233 Robbing the blood too much of its density or red globules,..by some Physicians, is very significantly called, spoliation.
c. An act or instance of despoiling or plundering; a robbery; an exaction of a spoliatory nature.
1800Weems Life Washington (1877) 178 But [they] still continued their spoliations.1843J. W. Croker in C. Papers (1884) II. 421, I believe that there was a more extensive spoliation of papers than we imagined.1853Kingsley Hypatia Pref. p. ix, It substituted a fixed and regular spoliation for the fortuitous and arbitrary miseries of savage warfare.
2. Eccl. A writ or suit brought by one incumbent against another holding the same benefice by an illegal or questionable title (see later quots.).
1498–9Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 133 The best remedy for your incumbent was..to have a spoliacion in the spirituall court agaynst the preyst that now occupyeth, because he is one disturber.1607Cowell Interpr., Spoliation..is a writ, that lyeth for an incumbent, against another incumbent, in case where the right of patronage commeth not in debate.1767Burn Eccl. Law III. 342 The same law is, where one telleth the patron that his clerk is dead; whereupon he presents another; there the first incumbent..may have a spoliation against the other.
b. The action on the part of one incumbent of depriving another of the emoluments of a benefice.
1726Ayliffe Parergon 117 A Benefice is said to be vacant de Facto, and not de Jure, when the Possession thereof is lost by Spoliation or Intrusion.1768Blackstone Comm. III. iii. vii. 91 Spoliation is an injury done by one clerk or incumbent to another, in taking the fruits of his benefice without any right thereunto, but under a pretended title.
3. Law. The action of destroying a document, or of injuring or tampering with it in such a way as to destroy its value as evidence.
1752Mrs. Delany Autobiogr. & Corr. (1861) III. 188 My Lord Chancellor..has acquitted D.D. of all guilt of spoliation, but not of the consequences that may attend the destroying or loss of the deed.1867Smyth Sailor's Wordbk. 644 Spoliation of a Ship's Papers. An act which, by the maritime law of every court in Europe, not only excludes further proof, but does, per se, infer condemnation.
4. The action of spoiling, damaging, or injuring.
1867J. Hogg Microsc. (ed. 6) i. iii. 220 The structure of many creatures is so delicate, as to require the very greatest care to prevent mutilation, and the consequent spoliation of the specimen.

