
单词 roundlet
释义 ˈroundlet
Forms: 4 rownde-, 4–8 roundelet (5 -lett, 5–6 -lete); 4 rondlet, 5 rowndlet, rounlet, 5, 7– roundlet (7 -lett).
[ad. OF. rondelet, dim. of rondel roundel. Cf. roundelay.]
1. A short roundel. Obs.
c1386Chaucer Frankl. T. 220 (Corpus MS.), Of such matiere made he many layes, Songes, compleigntes, roundeletis, virrelayes.1589Greene Tullies Loue Wks. (Grosart) VII. 136 So Terentia taking the Lute in hir hand beganne to warble out this roundelet.
2. A small circle or circular object; a little disc or round ornament; a circular clump, etc.
1380–1Durh. Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 389 In vj Roundeletys empt. pro magno altare, ix d.1385Ibid. 265 In tribus rondlettys emptis pro rasturis. iv d.c1450in Aungier Syon (1840) 367 Torches, mattes, uattes [? read nattes], and roundlettes for the chirche.c1450M.E. Med. Bk. (Heinrich) 196 Drawe hyt two & fro, as þou woldest tempre wax, & mak hyt in roundeletes.Ibid. 214 Tak a gret rote of radysche..& kytte hyt on fyfty Rounlettes.1603Drayton Bar. Wars v. lx, The troubled Teares..Made them to seeme like Roundlets, that arise By a Stone cast into a standing Brooke.a1646J. Gregory Posthuma (1650) 310 The little Circles or Roundlets dispersed here and there about the Hemispheres.1892Brighton Sir P. Wallis 103 The figure-head of the Shannon, a colossal female bust, ornamented with a necklace of gilded roundlets.1906Dollar Mag. June 91 The roundlet of trees presents the appearance of a fortification.
b. A part of a hood (see quots.). Obs.
1603Stow Surv. 545 These hoodes were worn, the Roundelets vpon their heades, the skirtes to hang behind in their neckes.1834J. R. Planché Hist. Brit. Cost. 191 The alteration of the chaperon..into a regularly-formed crown within a thick roll called the roundlet.
c. Her. = roundle 1 b.
1688Holme Armoury i. vi. 61/1 He beareth Party per Pale Vert and Argent, three Roundletts counterchanged.1738Chambers Cycl., Pellets, in heraldry, a name given those roundlets which are black.1766[see ogress2].1838Penny Cycl. XII. 140/2 There are nine roundlets, or balls, also used in heraldry.
3. A small cask; a runlet. Obs.
1388Durh. Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 48 In duo Rowndelet' de Sturgeown, 7s.1435–6in Heath Grocers' Comp. (1869) 418 The costis of x butts & vi roundeletts of resins of Corent.1466Paston Lett. II. 267 A roundlet of red wine of xv. gallonys.1538Fitzherb. Justyce Peas 109 The price of the But, Tone, Hoggeshede, Punchion, Tierce, Barel or Roundelet to be sold in grosse.1594Plat Jewell-ho. 70 Set your roundelet in the sunne.1656Blount, Roundlet, a certain measure of Wine, Oyle, &c. containing eighteen Gallons and an half.c1730Burt Lett. N. Scotl. (1760) II. xviii. 83 Horses loaded with Roundlets of Usky.

