
单词 cohort
释义 I. cohort, n.|ˈkəʊhɔːt|
[a. F. cohorte, ad. L. cohort-em (cohors) court, enclosure, company of soldiers, tenth part of a legion; f. co- together + hort-, found also in hort-us, cogn. with Gr. χόρτος, Eng. garth, gard-en, from a root meaning ‘to enclose’: see garden. The living descendant of the L. word in F. is court, Eng. court.]
1. Rom. Antiq. A body of infantry in the Roman army, of which there were ten in a legion, each consisting of from 300 to 600 men; also applied to auxiliary troops of the same strength, and (later) to bodies of cavalry.
1489Caxton Faytes of A. ii. v. 99 A cohorte of Macedonyens.1569T. Stocker Diodorus Sic. ii. x. 58 Foure hundred horse, deuided into three cohorts or troupes.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. III. 41 Marcellinus..advanced.. with the select cohorts, which were considered as the hope and strength of the army.1879Froude Cæsar xvii. 274 Sabinus..had..a few cohorts lately raised in Italy.
2. transf.
a. A similar division of other armies.
b. A band of warriors in general.
c1500Melusine 97 The kinge made to be take alle them of hys cohorte or company.1667Milton P.L. xi. 127 The Cohort bright Of watchfull Cherubim.1815Byron Hebrew Mel., Sennacherib, The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold, And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold.1827Scott Napoleon xxvi, The legion of honour was to consist of..fifteen cohorts.1874H. Reynolds John Bapt. iii. §i. 134 Jehoiada gained his victory over Athaliah with a cohort of priests.
3. fig.
a. A company, band; esp. of persons united in defence of a common cause.
1719Bolingbroke in Swift's Corr. Wks. 1841 II. 543 My friends and my acquaintance..I had a numerous cohort of the latter.1858Neale Bernard de M. 33 The cohort of the Fathers Who kept the Faith below.1871Tyndall Fragm. Sci. (ed. 6) II. xvi. 454 A small cohort of social regenerators.
b. In demography, a group of persons having a common statistical characteristic, esp. that of being born in the same year. Also attrib.
1944H. P. Fairchild Dict. Sociol. 45/2 Cohort (demographical usage), a group of persons starting life together. Thus, hypothetical cohorts are established in the construction of life tables.1947P. K. Whelpton in Proc. Internat. Statist. Conf. (Washington) III. B. 632 This discussion will..carry the analysis of fertility trends a step further..by considering cohorts of women (i.e. women grouped by date of birth), and by classifying the births to each cohort.1954― (title) Cohort fertility.1959Listener 19 Nov. 865/1 It [sc. secular analysis] must be reinforced by analysis of a different style: one which takes all the people born in one year or married in one year and follows them through their lives. Analysis of this kind is called ‘cohort analysis’.1962Lancet 8 Dec. 1213/1 The number of possible long-stay patients produced by the 1954 cohort of admissions was estimated as 7453.
4. Zool. and Bot. In some classifications, a large group superior to a natural order, but of no fixed grade; in Bot. usually = alliance 6.
1845Lindley Sch. Bot. iv. (1858) 24 No idea of the nature or limits of these cohorts can be formed from a consideration of the Flora of Europe alone.1880Gray Struct. Bot. ix. §i. 326 Cohort..is becoming established for a grade next above that of order.
5. An assistant, colleague, accomplice. Chiefly U.S.
1952M. McCarthy Groves of Academe xii. 276 The old poet had left, accompanied by two of his cohorts.1957B. & C. Evans Dict. Contemp. Amer. Usage 99/1 Banting [was] assisted by his young cohort, Dr. Charles H. Best. The culprit and his three cohorts quickly confessed.1965Times Lit. Suppl. 25 Nov. 1059/2 The new American vulgarism of ‘cohort’ meaning ‘partner’.1970Sunday Times 28 June 6/5 The impending trial of Bobby Seale, chairman of the Black Panther movement, and his eight cohorts in New Haven.
II. cohort, v. Obs. rare.|kəʊˈhɔːt|
[ad. L. cohort-āri, f. co- (com-) + hortāri.]
trans. To exhort.
1481Caxton Myrr. i. v. 28 Thus wil the deuil cohorte [or ? coherte] them.a1572Knox Hist. Ref. Wks. 1846 I. 453 The Lard of Tullybarne and uther Noble men, who cohorted thame to quyetness.

