
单词 unnoted
释义 I. unˈnoted, a.
[un-1 9.]
Characterized by absence of musical notes.
1866Meredith Vittoria xxiv, A song of three notes and a sort of unnoted clanging chorus.
II. unˈnoted, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Not noticed or observed; unmarked.
1563Goldinge Cæsar iii. (1565) 74 b, Bycause the thing was done in y⊇ sight of Cesar and all his army, insomuch that no dede..could escape vnnoted.1600Bodenham's Belvedere (1875) 59 Gnats are vnnoted where-soe're they flie But Eagles gaz'd vpon with euery eye.c1620Fletcher False One i. i, I'le be admitted for a wanton tale To some most private Cabinets, when your Priest-hood..Shall wait without unnoted.1725Pope Odyss. i. 177 Where the free guest, unnoted, might relate, If haply conscious, of his Father's fate.1742Young Nt. Th. ii. 274 Unnoted, [conscience] notes each moment misapply'd.1813Byron Corsair i. xvii, Secure, unnoted, Conrad's prow pass'd by.1894M. Dyan Man's Keeping (1899) 135 Unnoted by him, that vision had faded much of late.
2. Not specially noted or observed; undistinguished, obscure.
1592Soliman & Pers. i. ii. 73 Sweet Perseda, vnnoted though I be, Thy beauty yet shall make me knowne ere night.1621G. Sandys Ovid's Met. ix. (1626) 191 Phæstus..fostered One, Lydgus, of vn-noted parents bred.1725Pope Odyss. v. 402 Un-wept, un-noted, and for ever dead!1789Burns Let. to Lady Constable 16 Dec., Only to add so many units more to the unnoted crowd that followed their leaders.1860Ellicott Life Our Lord ii. 67 The devout..Simeon..saw perchance before him no more than two unnoted worshippers.1883Myers Ess., Mod., Mazzini (1885) 69 It has run its fair course unnoted, and in silence passed away.

