
单词 fickle
释义 I. fickle, a.|ˈfɪk(ə)l|
Forms: 1 ficol, 3–4 fik-, 4 fick-, 4–6 fyck-, 5–6 fek-, fykel(e, -ell(e, -il(l, -kil(l, -le, -ul, -yl(l, 3 south. vikel, 7 ficle, 6– fickle.
[OE. ficol, f. *fic-ian to deceive (cf. befician in same sense), cognate with ᵹefic deceit, fǽcne deceitful: see faken a.]
1. False, deceitful, treacherous. Obs.
a1000Gloss. on Prov. xiv. 25 (Cott. Vesp. D. 6) Versipellis, ficol vel pretti.a1225Ancr. R. 268 Fikele & swikele reades.a1240Ureisun in Cott. Hom. 185 Cunfort on eorþe þet is fikel and fals.c1300Havelok 2799 We hauen misdo mikel, Þat we ayen you haue be fikel.c1325Song Yesterday 30 in E.E.P. (1862) 134 Þis eorþeli ioie, þis worldly blis Is but a fykel fantasy.c1400Song Roland 147 ‘A! ffals man’ quod the kinge ‘Fekill is thy thought.’c1425Seven Sag. 985 (P.) With fykyl wordis and with false.c1450Lonelich Grail xlvi. 40 Kyng Crwdelx was so fekel and felle.a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) X viij, Otherwyse theyr conuersacion shulde be fekyl to the people.
absol.c1440Bone Flor. 2184 Thes four fekyll That harmed feyre Florence.
b. Of places: Treacherous, dangerous. Now Sc.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xix. cxxix. (1495) 938 Actus is a place there beestys ben ofte dryuen and is slypper and fyckyl.1883Mrs. Oliphant Ladies Lindores II. xvi. 41 It's a fickle corner in the dark..A wrong step..and there would be no help.
2. Changeable, changeful, inconstant, uncertain, unreliable:
a. of persons, their attributes, feelings, etc.; also often, with personification, of Fortune, Chance, etc.
a1275Prov. ælfred 355 in O.E. Misc. (1872) 125 For moni mon hauit fikil mod.1550Bale Apol. Pref. 12 b, I maruile What hath moued the fyckle heades of our doctours.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. iii. v. 60 O Fortune, Fortune, all men call thee fickle.1630Prynne Anti-Armin. 114 It makes the fickle wauering, vnconstant will of man, the very basis.1663Cowley Agric. Wks. 1710 II. 708 An impudent, fickle, and painted Harlot.1667Milton P.L. ii. 233 When everlasting Fate shall yeild To fickle Chance.1783Watson Philip III (1793) II. vi. 164 Though sovereign princes..be naturally capricious and fickle in their attachments.1814Scott Ld. of Isles vi. vi, Versed in the fickle heart of man.1861Holland Less. Life iii. 44 Friends may prove false, and fortune fickle.1870Bryant Iliad I. iii. 85 The younger men are of a fickle mood.
b. of things, natural agents, etc.
c1450Henryson Compl. Creseide 550, I..clame upon the fickill quheill sa hie.1513Douglas æneis xii. i. 106 Persave of weir the fykkill ward onstabill!1563B. Googe Eglogs, etc. (Arb.) 84 The surest Staffe, in fyckle Dayes.c1600Shakes. Sonn. cxxvi, O Thou my louely Boy who in thy power, Doest hould times fickle glasse.1612Davies Why Ireland, etc. (1747) 15 The popes donation and the Irish submissions were but weak and fickle assurances.1774Beattie Minstr. ii. lv, Fancy now no more Wantons on fickle pinion through the skies.1818Scott Rob Roy i, He who embarks on that fickle sea, requires to possess the skill of the pilot.1835Ure Philos. Manuf. 398 The fickle health of childhood.a1839Praed Poems (1864) I. 234 Through shine and shower My fickle shallop dances.1861Holland Less. Life i. 12 The weather being very fickle.
3. As adv.; only in combination with ppl. adjs.
1611Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iv. iv. Decay 1199 Our glory stands so fickle-founded thus.1596C. Fitzgeffrey Sir F. Drake (1881) 54 Fortvne..stoode not on her fickle-rowling wheele.
4. Comb., as fickle-fancied, fickle-headed, fickle-minded (whence fickle-mindedly adv.) adjs.; ficklewise adv.; also fickle-tongue a., given to falsehood; fickle-hammed a., ? weak in the hams.
a1670Hacket Abp. Williams i. (1692) 41 Those *fickle-fancy'd men.
1675Lond. Gaz. No. 993/4 A Red Roan Nag about six, and *fickle hammed.
1577Harrison England ii. vii. (1877) i. 168 The *fickle headed tailors.1661Hickeringill Jamaica 97 Those fickle-headed Soldiers.
a1600Hooker Eccl. Pol. vi. (1617) 280 Speaking of *fickle-minded men.
1875Howells Foregone Concl. iii. 68 I've behaved rather *fickle-mindedly.
1393Langl. P. Pl. C. iii. 6 Boþe fals and fauel and *fykel-tonge lyere.
1877Lanier Poems, Bee 9 And flew Most *ficklewise about.
II. ˈfickle, v.1 Obs.
Forms: 3 fikele, 4 fyckel, fykel, 6 fykkle; also 3 vikel(i.
[frequentative of fike v.; cf. Ger. dial. ficheln (Grimm) in same sense.]
intr. To flatter. Also to fickle with.
a1225Ancr. R. 84 Þe vikelare..put him preon in eien, þæt he mid vikeleð.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 845 Þis was þo þe gode doȝter þat nolde vikeli noȝt, Ofte þing þat is ivikeled to worse ende is broȝt.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xviii. xxvii. (1495) 787 A hounde ofte fyckelyth and fawnyth wyth his taylle on men.1537St. Papers Hen. VIII, II. 480 They goo aboute to fykkle with Iryshe men.
Hence ˈfickling vbl. n., flattery; ˈfickling ppl. a. Also ˈfickler, a flatterer.
a1225Ancr. R. 86 Uikelares beoð þreo kunnes.Ibid. 82 Attri speche is..bacbitunge, & fikelunge.Ibid. 224 To wenen þet hit were uikelunge ȝif heo speke ueire.Ibid. 257 Leouere me beoð hire wunden þen uikiinde [v.r. fikelinde] cosses.a1240Sawles Warde in Cott. Hom. 253 Of þeos fikelinde world.1297R. Glouc. (1724) 30 Heo no kouþe of no fikelyng, and ne onswerede not so.
III. fickle, v.2 dial.|ˈfɪk(ə)l|
[Cf. fickle a. 1 b.]
trans. a. To puzzle. b. (see quot. 1736.)
1567[implied in fickle-force].1736Pegge Kenticisms, Fickle, to fickle a person in the head with this or that, to put it into his head; in a baddish sense.1816Scott Antiq. xxxix, ‘She may come to fickle us a'.’1859Smiles Self-Help 49 Then other questions were put to ‘fickle’ him.

