
单词 shoulder-blade
释义 shoulder-blade
[Cf. MLG. schulderblat, Du. schouderblad, MHG. schulterblat (mod.G. -blatt).]
Each of the two flat triangular bones articulated with the humerus, and lying over the ribs in the upper part of the back in all mammals; the scapula.
a1300Havelok 2644 Bi þe shu[l]dre-blade þe sharpe swerd let [he] wade, þorw the brest unto þe herte.c1470Henry Wallace v. 823 Baith cannell bayne and schuldir blaid in twa, Throuch the myd cost, the gud suerd gert he ga.1572–3Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 205 Stevin Urde..straik the said Jonet upoun hir schulder blaid with the kavill of ane mylne.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iii. 77 Oh good sir, softly, good sir: I feare (sir) my shoulder blade is out.1763‘Theophilus Insulanus’ Second Sight 77 There is another kind of divination, by looking in the shoulder-blade of a sheep, goat, &c. as in a book.1840Carlyle Heroes ii. 101 Mahomet's followers found the Koran..as it had been written down at first promulgation; much of it, they say, on shoulder-blades of mutton.1875Sir W. Turner in Encycl. Brit. I. 826/2 The Scapula, or Shoulder Blade..lies at the upper and back part of the wall of the chest, reaching from the second to the seventh rib.
b. transf.
1608Topsell Serpents 65 [Bees] haue 4 wings..growing to their shoulder-blades.1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. III. xxxv. 662, I propose calling these pieces by names..appropriated to the arm in the higher vertebrate animals: thus..I call the whole fore-leg the brachium or arm, and..the trochanter [becomes] the scapula or shoulder-blade.

