
单词 unsoundable
释义 I. unˈsoundable, a.1 Obs.—1
[un-1 7 b.]
Not sounding well; improper.
c1440Alph. Tales 408 It wer ane vnsondabyll thyng to do, if it sulde be he lefte & I taryd with þe.
II. unˈsoundable, a.2
[un-1 7 b, 5 b.]
Incapable of being sounded; unfathomable.
1627Jackson Creed vi. v. §1 Some Schoole-braines have beene so puzled in passing this unsoundable gulfe, as to suspect [etc.].1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 216 The so famous Nile..sallying, as some say, out of an unsoundable lake.a1684Leighton Comm. 1 Pet. ii. (1693) 295 The thoughts of God are..deep, and unsoundable by us.1843Carlyle Past & Pr. iii. xi, There shall be a depth of Silence in thee..; a Silence unsoundable.1884Graphic 4 Oct. 358/2 His eyes will be large, black, with long lashes and unsoundable.1897Baring-Gould Guavas vii, One track..betwixt unsoundable bogs.

