
单词 horridity
释义 horridity|hɒˈrɪdɪtɪ|
[ad. med.L. horriditās, f. horridus horrid. Cf. obs. F. horridité.]
a. (See quot. 1623.) Obs.
b. The quality of being horrid, horridness; concr. something horrid.
1623Cockeram, Horriditie, a fearefull trembling.a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. (1642) 285 Most of them dyed in the Tormentors hands upon the rack, with horridity of paine.1892Illustr. Sporting & Dram. News 20 Aug. 842/1 A taste for beetles, butterflies..in fact, horridities of all kinds.

