“Dover's powder”的英英意思

单词 Dover's powder
释义 Dover's powder Pharm.
[Name of Thomas Dover (1660–1742), English physician.]
A preparation of opium and ipecacuanha (pulvis Doveri) used as an anodyne diaphoretic, etc.
[1774Pharm. Coll. Regii Med. Edin. 158 Pulvis sudorificus, sive Doveri.]1801Edin. New Dispensatory (ed. 6) iii. xxvi. 525/2 Compound Powder of Ipecacuanha, commonly called Dover's powder.1834Boston Med. & Surg. Jrnl. 23 Apr. 174 A grain and a half of Dover's powder..has sometimes caused extreme anxiety for the safety of children under eight months old.1887Buck's Handbk. Med. Sci. V. 325/1 Dover's Powder..: Powdered Opium 10 parts, Ipecac. 10 parts, Sugar of Milk 80 parts.1951A. & E. F. Grollman Pharmacol. & Therapeutics xxiv. 492 Opium is often added in order to further allay coughing by depressing the center, the well-known Dover's powder being a favorite prescription for this purpose.1971D. Clark Sick to Death v. 92 You can get it [sc. ipecacuanha] in Dover's Powders.

