
单词 sompne
释义 sompne, v. Obs.
Also 5 sompny.
[Variant of somne v.2, with insertion of p as in nempne nemn v.]
trans. To summon.
1362Langl. P. Pl. A. ii. 142 Þus sysoures ben sompned þe false to serue.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 151 He schal be sompned, ponyschid & cursed.c1386Chaucer Friar's T. 49 (Harl.), Withoute maundement, a lewed man He couthe sompne.14..Lat.-Eng. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 573 Cito, to sompny.1471in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. V. 309 The seriaunt shal sompne ony suche att his house.
Hence ˈsompning vbl. n. Obs.
c1400Plowman's Tale in Pol. Poems (Rolls) I. 330 To speake they shull not be so bold, For sompning to the consistorye.c1400Brut Prol. 1 Dioclician anon lete make a sompnyng.1490–1[see sompnour].

