
单词 hypothalamus
释义 hypothalamus Anat.|haɪpəʊˈθæləməs|
[mod.L. (W. His (at Waldeyer's suggestion) 1893, in Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.) 159), f. hypo- + thalamus.]
The lower part of the diencephalon of the brain in vertebrates, lying below and in front of the thalamus and forming the floor and part of the wall of the third ventricle; in mammals it acts as the chief co-ordinating region of the autonomic nervous system and helps to regulate the hormonal activity of the adenohypophysis.
Writers vary in counting as part of the hypothalamus (a) the infundibulum and neurohypophysis, and (b) the subthalamic tegmental region.
1896Jrnl. Compar. Neurol. VI. 309 (in list of anatomical names) Hypothalamus.1899L. F. Barker Nervous Syst. xlvi. 666 These various fibres..pass through the pedunculus cerebri..to reach the diencephalon, where most of them in all probability terminate in the hypothalamus, in the thalamencephalon, or in the nucleus lentiformis.1909Gray's Anat. (ed. 17) 849 The hypothalamus..includes the subthalamic tegmental region and the structures which form the greater part of the floor of the third ventricle, viz. the corpora mamillaria, tuber cinereum, infundibulum, pituitary body, and optic commissure.1942L. H. Hyman Compar. Vertebr. Anat. (ed. 2) xiv. 434 The hypothalamus reaches its greatest development in fishes, where it is an important correlation center for olfactory, gustatory, and other sensory impulses.1944J. Hoffman Female Endocrinol. xv. 231 Proof that the hypothalamus regulates the gonadotropic function of the anterior hypophysis is still lacking.1956A. C. Guyton Textbk. Med. Physiol. I. 633/1 When a surgeon operates in the region of the hypothalamus, simply tugging on the tissues is likely to cause such intense changes in heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose level, body temperature, etc., that the operative mortality is approximately 40 per cent from these factors alone.1962T. W. Torrey Morphogenesis Vertebr. xviii. 510 In all vertebrates it is the hypothalamus which exercises control over such truly involuntary actions as temperature regulation, sexual reactions, breathing rate, emotional responses, and the rhythm of sleep.1964Parker & Haswell Text-bk. Zool. (ed. 7) II. 245 [In the dogfish, Scyliorhinus] the hypothalamus in the floor of the diencephalon is well-developed and may, as in ‘higher’ vertebrates, be concerned with the regulation of various unconditioned reflexes and visceral functions.1968A. van Tienhoven Reprod. Physiol. Vertebr. viii. 207/1 The hypothalamus thus performs the task of being an intermediary between the nervous system, of which it is part, and the endocrine system, to which it can send ‘hormonal’ information.1968Times 10 Oct. 8/5 One part of the brain which contains noradrenaline is the hypothalamus, which has the function of controlling body temperature by monitoring the temperature of the blood and directing the body systems to lose or conserve heat.1972Sci. Amer. Nov. 24/1 The pituitary gland is attached by a stalk to the region in the base of the brain known as the hypothalamus.
Hence hypoˈthalamic a., of or pertaining to the hypothalamus.
1899L. F. Barker Nervous Syst. xlvi. 683 In man the fibres of the main mass of white matter in the hypothalamic region..do not pass through the hilus into the thalamus.1938J. Beattie in W. E. Le Gros Clark et al. Hypothalamus 100 Sleep..is due to a damping-down of hypothalamic activity.1942O. Larsell Anat. Nerv. Syst. iii. 28 The thalamus and hypothalamus are bounded from each other by the hypothalamic sulcus.1954T. L. Peele Neuroanat. Basis Clin. Neurol. xiv. 310/2 Hypothalamic lesions..have resulted in a loss of cyclical sexual activities and genital atrophy.1968A. van Tienhoven Reprod. Physiol. Vertebr. viii. 249/1 Some of the hypothalamic hormones, e.g. oxytocin and vasopressin, are stored in the neurohypophysis.

