
单词 hypnotic
释义 hypnotic, a. and n.|hɪpˈnɒtɪk|
[ad. F. hypnotique (16th c. in Paré), ad. late L. hypnōticus, a. Gr. ὑπνωτικός inclined to sleep, sleepy; also, putting to sleep, narcotic, f. ὑπνόειν to put to sleep. In 2, short for neuro-hypnotic: see hypnotism.]
A. adj.
1. Inducing sleep; soporific.
1625Hart Anat. Ur. i. ii. 31 Not neglecting hypnoticke, cordiall, and deoppilatiue medicines.1758J. S. Le Dran's Observ. Surg. (1771) 300 Hypnotic Draughts constantly repeated.1878T. Bryant Pract. Surg. I. 249 The hydrate of chloral is a drug of great value as possessing hypnotic qualities without the evils attendant on other drugs of this class.
2. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of hypnotism or ‘nervous sleep’; accompanied by hypnotism; producing hypnotism, hypnotizing.
1843Braid Neurypnol. 7 In respect to the Neuro-Hypnotic state induced by the method explained in this treatise.Ibid. 14 The method I now recommend for inducing the hypnotic condition.1847–9Todd Cycl. Anat. IV. 696/2 Some remarkable connection between the state of the eyes and condition of the brain and spinal cord, during the hypnotic state.1874H. Maudsley Respons. in Ment. Dis. vii. 238 In the hypnotic or so-called mesmeric state.1884E. Gurney in Mind Jan. 115 A gradual and continuous decline of hypnotic waking into hypnotic sleep.189219th Cent. Jan. 24 To this day the..Fakirs of India throw themselves into a state of hypnotic ecstasy.1898Times 13 July 3/6 If they were going to suggest that the will had been obtained by hypnotic suggestion.
3. Susceptible to hypnotism; hypnotizable.
1881Standard 29 Jan., The unfortunate young man was..‘hypnotic’.1892E. Hart in Brit. Med. Jrnl. 3 Dec. 1220 The confirmed and trained hypnotic subject is a maimed individual in mind and body.
B. n.
1. An agent that produces sleep; a sedative or soporific drug.
1681tr. Willis' Rem. Med. Wks. Vocab., Hypnotic, a medicine that causes sleep.1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. xiv. 489 Hypnoticks are oft necessary in this Disease.1787Best Angling (ed. 2) 70 Evident to all who know the nature and operation of hypnotics.1874Carpenter Ment. Phys. ii. xv. (1879) 576 The droning voice of a heavy reader on a dull subject, is often a most effectual hypnotic.1876Harley Mat. Med. (ed. 6) 344 In moderate doses chloral hydrate is a pure hypnotic.
2. A person under the influence of hypnotism.
1888C. L. Norton in N. Amer. Rev. June 705 It is a recognized fact that the senses of hypnotics fall completely under the control of the hypnotizer.1893E. Hart in Brit. Med. Jrnl. 11 Feb. 302 The hypnotic under the influence of suggestion is capable of becoming a dangerous lunatic of a new kind.

