
单词 incessant
释义 incessant, a.|ɪnˈsɛsənt|
[prob. a. F. incessant (implied in incessamment, 1358 in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. late L. incessānt-em, (implied in incessānter), f. in- (in-3) + cessānt-em, pres. pple. of cessāre to cease.]
1. That does not cease; unceasing, ceaseless, continual, either in duration or repetition.
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 362/1 These menne..with their incessaunt searche fynde out false causes.1590Shakes. Com. Err. i. i. 71 The incessant weepings of my wife.1666Dryden Ann. Mirab. cclxxviii, And now four days the sun had seen our woes; Four nights the moon beheld th' incessant fire.1726Swift Gulliver i. ii, An incessant noise like that of a water-mill.1852M. Arnold Future vii, Cities will crowd to its edge In a blacker incessanter line.1885F. Temple Relat. Relig. & Sc. v. 140 The pivots of all the prophetical teaching are the incessant inculcation of justice and mercy.
b. transf. Of persons and things in reference to their action.
1749Smollett Regicide iii. iv, The rude flint Yields to the incessant drop.1820Shelley Witch Atl. l, The incessant hail with stony clash Ploughed up the waters.1863Bright Sp. Amer. 16 June, A few persons..have been incessant in their condemnation of the North.
2. Unending, endless, everlasting. Obs.
1557F. Seager Sch. Vertue 845 in Babees Bk., Eternall blisse where incessaunt ioie continually is.1561J. Daus tr. Bullinger on Apoc. (1573) 26 Which doctrine surely is incessant or perpetuall to the Church of Christ.1564W. Bullein Dial. agst. Pest. (1888) 135 To thee, oh heauenlie father, be incessaunte honour and glorie.
3. quasi-adv. Without intermission or pause; unceasingly.
1557T. Phaer æneid vii. (1558) S iv, A swarme of bees beset the bows, Incessant thick with noise.1703Rowe Ulyss. i. i. 314 Do they not..call Incessant on his tardy Vengeance?1871B. Taylor Faust (1875) I. vi. 103 The world's a ball Doth rise and fall And Roll incessant.

