
单词 Venetian
释义 Venetian, n. and a.|vɪˈniːʃən|
Forms: α. 5 Venycyen, Venecien, 6 Venesien. β. 5–6 Venecian, 6 -ycian, -esyan, -etyan, 7– Venetian; 5 Venicyan, 7, 9 Venitian. γ. 6 Venytyon, Venyscyon, Venecyon, Venesion, 8 Venition.
[ad. med.L. Venetiān-us, f. Venetia Venice: cf. It. and Pg. Veneziano, Sp. Veneciano. In early use also a. OF. Venicien, -esien, etc. (mod.F. Vénitien).]
A. n.
1. a. A native or inhabitant of mediæval or modern Venice; a member of the mediæval republic of Venice; more rarely, one of the ancient Veneti inhabiting the district of Venetia.
1432Lydg. Minor Poems (Percy Soc.) 4 Other alyens:..Florentyns, and Venycyens.c1436Libel Eng. Policy in Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 172 The commodites..of Venicyans and Florentynes.Ibid. 175 These seyde Veneciance.1528in Ellis Orig. Lett. (1824) I. 294 His Highnes also liketh wel the Frenche Kings Lettres to the Venecians for Ravenna and Servia.1547Boorde Introd. Knowl. xxiiii. (1870) 181, I am a Venesien both sober and sage.Ibid. 185 The Venyscions hath great prouision of warre.1621in Foster Eng. Factories Ind. (1906) I. 257 Two gentlemen, Venetians, who are not unknowne to you.1695Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) III. 447 The Venetians, we hear, have taken several French ships.a1715Burnet Own Time v. (1734) II. 129 The Venetians and the Great Duke had not thought fit to own the King till then.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) IV. 57 German bravery under the auspices of the Venetians.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. II. 164 There were other slaves besides Mohammedans in the service of the rich Venetians.1876Bancroft Hist. U.S. I. v. 129 The Venetians..purchased alike infidels and Christians.1880Encycl. Brit. XIII. 446/1 The Gauls, the Ligurians, and the Veneti or Venetians.
b. The dialect of Italian spoken by the inhabitants of Venice.
1598[see Lombard n.1 1 c].1642[see Roman n.1 3 c].1852E. Ruskin Let. 27 June in M. Lutyens Effie in Venice (1965) ii. 328 You may imagine how I am put to it sometimes when three or four people question me at once in Venetian.1901M. Carmichael In Tuscany 99 Had Dante..written in Venetian..there would have been two classical languages in Italy today.1921R. L. Gales Old-World Essays 140 It is strange to think of these careless people, all talking Venetian in the clear Paduan air four hundred years ago.1980Listener 23 Oct. 528/2 Catalan..is to Castilian Spanish what Venetian is to Italian.
a. pl. Hose or breeches of a particular fashion originally introduced from Venice. Obs.
1582in Feuillerat Revels Q. Eliz. (1908) 350, vi paire of venetians of Russet gold tyncell.1586Fermor Acc. in Archæol. Jrnl. (1851) VIII. 183 It. for an ell half of brod taffaty to make him a dublet and venytyons.1598Florio, Brache, all maner of breeches, slops, hosen, breekes, gascoines, venetians.1611Cotgr., Chausses à la gigotte, a fashion of very close Venitians; old fashioned Venitians.a1612Harington Epigr. (1618) i. xx, A Captaine..brought three yards of Veluet, & three quarters To make Venetians downe below the garters.
b. In sing. with the. Obs.—1
1592Greene Def. Conny-catching Wks. (Grosart) XI. 95 The venetian and the gallogascaine is stale, and trunke slop out of vse.
3. A sequin of Venice, as current in India and adjacent countries. Obs.
1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 406 The Money which passes is a Golden Venetian, equivalent to our Angel.1752in J. Long Sel. Unpubl. Recs. 32 (Yule & B.), At this juncture a gold mohur is found to be worth 14 Arcot Rupees, and a Venetian 4½ Arcot Rupees.1835A. Burnes Trav. Bokhara (ed. 2) I. 90 You are then to present a handsome bow, and each of you eleven gold Venetians.
4. A closely-woven cloth having a fine twilled surface, used as a suiting or dress material.
1710Lond. Gaz. No. 4706/4 For Sale.., Venitions,..Tabbies,..and other Stuffs.1883Simmonds Dict. Trade, Venetian, a fine twilled fabric of carded wool for gentlemen's suits.1899Daily News 30 Oct. 2/6 The newest designs in coloured tweeds, serges, coverts, meltons,..Venetians, beavers, and cashmeres.
5. ellipt.
a. A Venetian window. Obs.
1766Entick London IV. 376 The body of the church is enlightened by two ranges of windows, with a Venetian in the center.1779Mirror No. 61, His dusky Gothic windows have been contrasted to great advantage, with their Bows and Venetians.
b. A Venetian blind.
1816‘Quiz’ Grand Master vii. 167 They're soon disturb'd—a sudden rap 'Gainst the Venetians spoil'd their nap.1881E. J. Worboise Sissie xvi, It was observed that no one, all through the day, proposed raising that side-venetian.
c. pl. (See quot.)
1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlew. 514/1 Venetians, a heavy kind of tape or braid, resembling double Londons. They are employed more especially for Venetian blinds, whence the name.
6. = domino 1.
1891Century Mag. June 283, I then put off my sword, and put on my Venetian or domino, and entered the bal masqué.
B. adj.
1. a. Of or pertaining to Venice. Also (rare), of or pertaining to the ancient Veneti of Gaul or Venetia.
1554in Feuillerat Revels Q. Mary (1914) 166 A maske of viij patrons of galleis like venetian Senatours.1593G. Harvey New Lett. Wks. (Grosart) I. 264 Who honoureth not..the security of the Venetian state.1642Howell For. Trav. (Arb.) 53 There is in Italy the Toscan, the Roman, the Venetian, the Neapolitan [languages],..and all these have severall Dialects and Idiomes of Speech.1648Hexham ii, De Venetiaensche Zee, the Venetian Sea, or, the Gulfe of Venice.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) III. 378 It is now some centuries since Padua has been brought under the Venetian yoke.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. III. 37 The republic at first embraced..the Venetian provinces of Bergamo, Brescia, and La Polesina.1866W. P. Dickson tr. Mommsen's Hist. Rome IV. v. vii. 252 The legions expended their time and strength in the sieges of the Venetian towns.Ibid. 253 Caesar caused..the people of the Venetian canton to the last man to be sold into slavery.1893W. G. Collingwood Life Ruskin I. ii. iv. 147 The treatment..of Venetian matters had to be indefinitely postponed.1897Archæol. Jrnl. LIV. 393 Through the Venetian traders the beautiful southern designs..on the golden and bronze ornaments in Ireland might..have been introduced.
b. Venetian School, (a) a school of painting, distinguished by its mastery of colouring, which originated in the 15th century and reached its climax in the 16th; (b) a school of Italian architecture originating in the early part of the 16th century.
(a)1748W. Melmoth Fitzosborne Lett. lxi. (1749) II. 116 On the contrary, the Venetian school is said to have neglected design a little too much.1859Ruskin Two Paths i. §20 The Venetian school proposed to itself the representation of the effect of colour and shade on all things.
(b)1842Gwilt Archit. §349 The Venetian School is characterised by its lightness and elegance; by the convenient distribution it displays; and by the abundant, perhaps exuberant, use of columns, pilasters, and arcades.
2. In special collocations, denoting things characteristic of Venice, esp. articles actually produced there, or others made in imitation of these. (Cf. similar uses of Venice.)
Venetian ball (see quots.). Venetian bar, in needlework, a bar formed by means of button-hole work on a thread or threads. Venetian blind, a window-blind composed of narrow horizontal slats so fixed as to admit of ready adjustment for the exclusion or admission of light and air. Venetian blue, a turquoise or cobalt blue. Venetian breeches, = Venetian n. 2. Venetian brown, a variety of brown used for colouring glass. Venetian carpet, a common make of carpet, usually striped, in which the warp alone is shown. Venetian chalk (see quots.). Venetian cloth, = Venetian n. 4. Venetian dentil (see quot.). Venetian door (see quot. 1842). Venetian earth, ? Venetian chalk. Venetian embroidery (see quot.). Venetian enamel, a hard enamel used for the dials of clocks and watches. Venetian filigree, a variety of coloured glass. Venetian frame, a form of window-frame (see quot. 1833). Venetian glass, Venice glass. Venetian-Gothic adj. (see quot. 1867); also absol. as n. Venetian hose, = Venetian n. 2. Venetian mast, a tall pole ornamented with spiral bands of colour, used in the decoration of streets or open spaces on special occasions. Venetian pearl, a solid artificial pearl. Venetian point (lace), a variety of point-lace; also Venetian raised point (lace), a point lace in which all outlines are in relief; = punto a rilievo s.v. punto1 7; cf. Venice point s.v. Venice 1. Venetian red, Venetian satin (see quots.). Venetian shutter, a shutter constructed on the same principle as a Venetian blind; hence Venetian-shuttered adj. Venetian sole, Venetian stitch (see quots.). Venetian sublimate (?). Venetian sumach, the southern European shrub Rhus Cotinus. Venetian swell, an organ-swell having the front constructed like a Venetian shutter. Venetian talc, a hydrous silicate of magnesia. Venetian thyme (see quot.). Venetian turpentine, Venice turpentine. Venetian varnish (see quot.). Venetian vetch: see vetch. Venetian white (see quot.). Venetian window (see quot. 1842). Venetian window-blind, = Venetian blind. Also Venetian bead, Venetian dollar, Venetian lace.
1851–4Tomlinson's Cycl. Usef. Arts (1866) I. 783/2 The *Venetian ball consists of a number of pieces of filigree glass packed into a pocket of transparent colourless glass.1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2702/2 Venetian ball, an ornamental form of glass for paper-weights, etc.
1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlew. 511/2 *Venetian bar..is used in modern Point Lace.
1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 195 Some bracelets made of *Venetian Beads of several colours.
1791in Harper's Mag. March (1885) 535/2 Surcharge for *Venetian blinds.1794W. Felton Carriages I. 148 The Venetian blind..[is] frequently used as a substitute for the common shutter and spring curtain.1840Dickens Old C. Shop xiv, It was easy to hear through the Venetian blinds all that passed inside.1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlew. 514/1 Another kind of braid or tape is made for Venetian blinds.
c1840Lady Wilton Art of Needlework vii. 75 A rich robe of *Venetian blue embroidered with golden eagles.1947J. H. Bustanoby Princ. Color 12/2 Cobalt blue, similar brands: Cobalt ultramarine, Hungary blue,..Venetian blue.1976Milton Keynes Express 18 June 40/4 (Advt.), New Kitten Estate. Venetian blue.
1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1354 Walton..rent his *venecian breeches of crimsin taffata, and distributed the same peecemeale.
c1791Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) VII. 774/2 *Venetian brown, with gold spangles, commonly called the philosopher's stone.
1845G. Dodd Brit. Manuf. IV. 95 ‘*Venetian’ carpets were never, it has been asserted, made at Venice at all.1868Rep. U.S. Commissioner Agric. (1869) 51 Carpets, treble ingrain, three-ply, and worsted chain Venetian.
1839Ure Dict. Arts 1271 *Venetian chalk is Steatite.1883Simmonds Dict. Trade, Venetian chalk, a white compact talc or steatite, used for marking on cloth.
c1790Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) VI. 404/2 A new suit of French and *Venetian cloths.1900Daily News 6 Jan. 6/6 Venetian cloth is, next to panne, still the favourite material for dresses.
1881Archit. Dict., *Venetian dentil, a molding consisting of a fillet with its sides cut alternately into notches, which reach the middle of the face, and produce the effect of a double row of dentils.
1626in Foster Eng. Factories India (1909) III. 156 The *Venetian doller will yeald 5 mahmudis if full weight.
1731Pope Ep. Burlington 36 Imitating-Fools Who..[are] Proud to catch cold at a *Venetian door.a1744Hor. Sat. ii. vi. 191 Palladian walls, Venetian doors, Grotesco roofs, and Stucco floors.1842Gwilt Archit. 1050 Venetian door, a door having side lights on each side for lighting an entrance hall.
1660J. H[arding] Basil. Valent. Chariot Antimony 123 Mix one part of this Salt with three parts of *Venetian Earth.
1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlew. 512/1 *Venetian embroidery..is work resembling Roman Work and Strasbourg Embroidery, but is lighter than either in effect.
1837L. Hebert Engin. & Mech. Encycl. I. 468 [In] hard enamelling..the *Venetian enamels are chiefly employed.
1851–4Tomlinson's Cycl. Usef. Arts (1866) I. 783/2 The *Venetian filigree consists of plain and coloured enamel.
1833Loudon Encycl. Archit. §1585 Fix a large solid *Venetian frame (a frame in three divisions, the two side divisions being narrower than the centre one).1842Gwilt Archit. 639 Venetian deal cased frames.
1845Encycl. Metrop. Index 139/2 *Venetian Glass.1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2703/1 The Venetian-glass ball [see Venetian ball, quot. 1851–4].
1849E. Ruskin Let. 3 Dec. in M. Lutyens Effie in Venice (1965) i. 81 We..looked over several Palaces... The outsides are splendid *Venetian Gothic.1867Chambers's Encycl. IX. 748/1 ‘Venetian-Gothic’ [style of architecture] indicates the peculiar phase of that style so common in Venice and the north of Italy.1933J. Betjeman Ghastly Good Taste vii. 116 The red brick Flemish revival of Brondesbury and the Venetian Gothic of Kew.1980J. Lees-Milne Harold Nicolson I. ix. 170 They went up the Canal in a gondola, arguing about Venetian-Gothic.
1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. E 3, The *Venetian-hosen, they reach beneath the knee to the gartering place of the Leg.
1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlew. 513/1 In 1654 Colbert prohibited the exportation of the *Venetian Laces into France.
1883Harper's Mag. Jan. 311/2 The Strand being one blaze of colour with *Venetian masts, and streamers overhead.1886Besant Childr. Gibeon ii. xxxiii, There should have been joy-bells and..Venetian masts with streamers and flags.
1864Chambers's Encycl. VI. 5/1 *Venetian-point,..Maltese-point: in all these the pattern is flatter than in the Rose-point.1872F. B. Palliser Notes Hist. Lace 27 Finest raised Venetian point.1877W. S. Gilbert Foggerty's Fairy i, Look at the lace! It's Venetian point.1882Caulfield & Saward Dict. Needlework 513/1 The raised Venetian Points were not worked before 1600.1883Mag. of Art Dec. 66/2 Richard III wore Venetian point at his coronation.
1882Caulfield & Saward Dict. Needlework 513/1 The *Venetian Raised Points are extremely rich and varied.1960H. Hayward Antique Coll. 295/1 Venetian raised point lace, needlepoint.1974[see punto1 7].
1753Chambers' Cycl. Suppl., Veneta bolus, a fine red earth used in painting, and called in the colour-shops *Venetian red.1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 413 Venetian-Red is a native ochre, rather inclining to scarlet.1849–50Weale Dict. Terms, Venetian-red:..the colours sold under this name are prepared artificially from sulphate of iron, or its residuum in the manufacturing of acids.1867Bloxam Chem. 322 Red oxide of iron has been already..referred to as occurring in commerce under the names of colcothar, jeweller's rouge, and Venetian red.
1786Sixth Rep. Dep. Kpr. Public Rec. App. ii. 175 A method..of manufacturing Silk and Mohair,..with materials which have never before been combined or manufactured together [as wood, reed, cane, straw, etc.], and which is called (by the Specifier) ‘*Venetian Sattin’.
1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm I. 142 *Venetian shutters, which may be opened more or less at pleasure.1892Photogr. Ann. II. p. cxxxiii, The Plate, after exposure, goes into back chamber, a Venetian shutter being opened and closed.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 86 An infinity of flies going into the venetian shuttered window.
1803Shaw Gen. Zool. IV. ii. 304 *Venetian Sole, Pleuronectes Linguatula.
1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlew. 514/1 *Venetian stitch, a term sometimes applied to close rows of Buttonholes as Fillings in Needlepoint Laces.
1725Fam. Dict. s.v. Ulcer, A Solution of *Venetian Sublimate.
1755Dict. Arts & Sci. IV. s.v. Sumach, *Venetian Sumach, cotinus, in botany.1846Lindley Veg. Kingd. 467 R[hus] Cotinus,..Venetian Sumach of the English, has wood called Young Fustick.1882Garden 19 Aug. 163/3 There are few more striking objects than a large bush of the Venetian Sumach.
1852Seidel Organ 27 The *Venetian Swell..is the only sort used in England.1881C. A. Edwards Organs 121 It is to Green that we owe the Venetian swell, which took its name from the resemblance it bears to the Venetian shutter.
a1728Woodward Fossils i. 62 This very much resembles what is sold in the Shops for *Venetian Talc.1836T. Thomson Min., Geol., etc. I. 186 This mineral..was formerly carried to Venice as an article of commerce, being employed in medicine. Hence the name Venetian talc.
1548Turner Names Herbes (E.D.S.) 78 The greate kynde of thyme, wherof Dioscorides maketh mention of in Epithymo, is called nowe *Venetian thyme.
1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 42 b/2 *Venetiane Terebentine.1857Miller Elem. Chem., Org. 505, 48 parts of shell-lac, 12 of Venetian turpentine.
1755Dict. Arts & Sci. s.v. Varnish, White varnish, called also *venetian varnish, made of oil of turpentine, fine turpentine, and mastic.
1867Ure's Dict. Arts (ed. 6) III. 984 *Venetian white, a carefully prepared carbonate of lead.
1779Shaw Hist. Moray (1882) I. 347 It is lighted, besides several windows in the side-walls, by a *Venetian window..in the western gavel.1837Lockhart Scott IV. v. 148 A square small room... It had but a single Venetian window.1842Francis Dict. Arts, Venetian window, a window in three separate apertures, the two side ones being narrow, and separated from the centre by timber only.
1769Public Advertiser 25 May 3/2 *Venetian Window Blinds made by Edward Bevan.
Hence Veˈnetianly adv.
1851H. Melville Moby Dick II. xii. 91 Through all the wide contrasting scenery..flows one continual stream of Venetianly corrupt and often lawless life.1965Guardian 3 Apr. 7/5 If you want to eat well and Venetianly in Venice..go to the best restaurants.

