
单词 lb
释义 lb
abbreviation of L. lībra ‘pound’, pl. lbs., now only used of pounds weight, but formerly also of pounds sterling. lbf, the pound as a unit of force; lbm, the pound as a unit of mass.
1390–1Earl Derby's Exped. (Camden) 11 Pro ij lb. gyngere, ijs. xd.1563–7Buchanan Reform. St. Andros Wks. (S.T.S.) 7 In silver, five hundret xlvij lbs. xs. xd.1961B.S.I. News Oct. 26/1 The B.S.I. committee which deals with units and symbols has accepted a form of notation in which a distinction is made between the two concepts ‘mass’ and ‘force’. In this notation the pound has the abbreviation ‘lb’; the unit called a pound-force has the abbreviation ‘lbf’ and is that force which, when acting on a body of mass one pound, gives it an acceleration equal to that of standard gravity.1962S. L. Bragg Rocket Engines ix. 148 A jet velocity of 105 ft/s could be obtained, giving a thrust of 3 lbf for a flow of 0·0009 lbm/s.1966lbf [see gravitational system].1967Technology Week 23 Jan. 104/1 (Advt.), Pictured from the top: 300 lbf monopropellant hydrazine rocket for orbit control.1971I. H. Shames Introd. Statics i. 12 (table) 1 slug ≡ 32·2 lbm.

