
单词 weekday
释义 weekday|ˈwiːkdeɪ|
Forms: see week n. and day n.
[OE. wicdæᵹ, f. wic(u) week. Cf. OHG. wehhatag, ON. vikudagr.]
1. A day of the week. (In quot. c 1200 a literal as opposed to a metaphorical day.) Obs.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iii. v, Þæt hi þy feorðan wicdæᵹe & þy syxtan fæstan to nones.c1200Ormin 13182 Alls itt off þiss werrldess daȝȝ Rihht onnfasst efenn wære, Forrþi þatt ure wukedaȝȝ Bi twellfe timess erneþþ [etc.].a1300Cursor M. 2857 Sir loth wijf..in a salt stan men seis hir stand þat bestes likes o þat land, þat anes o þe wok day, þan es sco liked al a-way.1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 166 [They] do mare the Sonday or the haly day na othir wolk dayes.
2. A day of the week other than market-day or Sunday. Obs.
1477in Charters etc. Edin. (1871) 141 The nolt merket..[to be held] about the Trone,..and nocht on the wolk day.1588in G. P. Scrope Castle Combe (1852) 332 That none shall bye any grayne or other vittell on our markett-daye before nyne of the clocke in the fore-none, nor in the wicke-dayes more then shall serve their owne howsolde.
3. a. A day of the week other than Saturday or Sunday (formerly, other than Sunday).
c1546Coverdale Calvin's Treat. Sacram. etc. F j b, In lyk maner as thou seist this blessed sacrament ministred on the sonday, euen so wyth lyke reuerence do they vse it at the same houre on those wyke dayes, that the congregacyon..hath appointed to that vse.1563Homilies, Of Place & Time of Prayer i. II. 139 For although they wyll not trauayle nor labour on the Sunday, as they do on the weeke day, yet they wyll not rest in holynes.1593in Maitl. Club Misc. I. 57 That..wpone the oulk dayes thai begin at viij houris and end preciselie at ix houris.1633G. Herbert Temple, Sunday ix, Thou art a day of mirth! And where the week-dayes trail on ground, Thy flight is higher.1654J. Audland in Jrnl. Friends' Hist. Soc. (1919) XVI. 135, I have been in Bristoll severall first dayes..and I have gone into the Countrey, in the Weekdayes.1732Swift etc. What passed in London Misc. III. 263 My Wife and I went to Church (where we had not been for many Years on a Week-day).1835Dickens Sk. Boz, Seven-Dials, Pass through St. Giles's in the evening of a week-day, there they are in their fustian dresses.1860Sat. Rev. 3 Mar. 277/2 His [sc. Spurgeon's] father was a hard-working man on week-days, and a preacher on Sundays.1976P. R. White Planning for Public Transport ii. 32 On weekdays (Mondays to Fridays), to which many urban surveys are confined, many trips are made within a confined time budget.
b. attrib.
[1595in Maitl. Club Misc. I. 72 In the oulk dayes preiching in Glasgw it is desyrit that the ministeris keip preciselie the hour.]1693O. Heywood Diaries (1885) IV. 147 That house where the week-day lecture had been kept.1732Pope Ep. Bathurst 345 One solid dish his week-day meal affords, An added pudding solemniz'd the Lord's.1762Secker 2nd Charge Dioc. Canterb. (1771) 253 Diligence..in bringing your People to the holy Communion, and where it can be, to Week-Day Prayers.1802Wordsw. Sonn. ‘I grieved for Buonaparté’, The talk Man holds with week⁓day man in the hourly walk Of the mind's business.1859Geo. Eliot A. Bede lii, He knew nothing of week-day services, and thought none the worse of the Sunday sermon if it allowed him to sleep from the text to the blessing.1877A. Maclaren (title), Week-day Evening Addresses.

