
单词 wanspeed
释义 wanspeed Obs.
[OE. wanspéd: see wan- and speed n.]
Ill-success; adversity, poverty.
c893ælfred Oros. iii. vii. §6 On þæm ᵹefeohte wæs ærest anfunden Sciþþia wanspeda [L. inopiæ Scythicæ].a1050Liber Scintill. (1889) 226 Wer feohtende ateoriᵹende þurh wanspede [L. per inopiam].a1300Cursor M. 23708 Yee cristen men, yow vmbilok,..O yur lijf þat yee her lede Yee turn it noght into wan-spede!Ibid. 28175 O strif oft haue i sauun þe sede To bring my brother to wan-spede.c1400Destr. Troy 9327 What whylenes, or wanspede, wryxles our mynd?

