“near by”的英英意思

单词 near by
释义 near by, adv., prep., and a.
Also near-by, nearby, and 5 (9) Sc. ner, 5–6 nere, 6 Sc. neir.
[near adv.2 and by adv.]
A. adv.
1. Close by, close at hand.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints v. (John) 101 Sancte Iohne, þat þan erand had ner by, and herd quhat wes done.c1470Henry Wallace i. 378 Ridand thar come, ner by quhar Wallace was, The lorde Persye.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lviii. 197 Galaffer was nere by, and herd what Huon sayd.1728P. Walker Life Peden Pref. (1827) 30 The Preaching was near-by, for we heard the Psalms sweetly sung.1868Morris Earthly Par. I. 145 Nearby is my asses' stall.1888E. L. Wilson in Century Mag. July 328/1 The ruins of an old temple near by bear the cartouches of Rameses II.1931News Chron. 25 Aug., There had been feverish activity at the Trade Union Congress office nearby.1965E. Gowers Fowler's Mod. Eng. Usage (ed. 2) 382/1 Near by has been long established as an adverb, and there is no good reason for those who draft police notices to prefer in the vicinity.
2. Nearly, almost; thereabouts. Chiefly Sc.
1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 169 [He] distroyit and slew nereby all the kingis of the warld.1509in Mem. Hen. VII (Rolls) 439 Hyt ys nere by an hole yere that a servant of hys hathe byn yn themperows corte.1558Kennedy Compend. Tract. in Wodrow Soc. Misc. (1844) 166 Neirby ane thousand ȝeir or Augustine was borne.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. v. 262 Al passage of Treffik..Was neirby cuttit away fra Britannie.1815Scott Guy M. xlv, After a trot o' sixty mile, or near by.
B. prep.
1. Close to (a place, etc.). Now dial.
1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 43 The citee of Hostrye..is nereby Rome.1814Nicholson Country Lass iii, Near by the poet's houseless head.1889N.W. Linc. Gloss. s.v., He lives near by th' Calvin capil.
2. Sc. Nearly in accordance with. Obs. rare—1.
1535Stewart Cron. Scot. I. 231 Judges he maid neirby the vse of Rome.
C. adj. Close at hand, neighbouring; not far off.
1858G. Macdonald Phantastes vii. (1878) 120 The cows in a near-by field were eating.1862Independent (N.Y.) 1 May (Cent.), The near-by trade and Western dealers are buying moderately.1878N. Amer. Rev. CXXVII. 361 Great problems in the near-by future.1887Times 31 Aug. 4/3 Many people..are housed..in near-by towns [U.S.].1939Joyce Finnegans Wake 448 Take a good longing gaze into any nearby shopwindow.1954Manch. Guardian Weekly 26 Aug. 4 He went to the near-by police station.1973Times 24 May 27/3 There was a slackening interest in nearby metal.

