
单词 non-Newtonian
释义 non-Newˈtonian, a.
[non- 3.]
Not Newtonian, in sense 1 of the adj.; used esp. in connection with the flow of fluids (see quot. 1937).
1913Phil. Mag. XXV. 157 The Einstein transformation equations, and the other principles of non-Newtonian mechanics.1937Rep. Progress Physics III. 22 It is rather with impure liquids, semi-liquids and semi-solids, that we have to deal in every-day life. Of these a large proportion may be described as ‘non-Newtonian’, i.e. the rate of shear is not proportional to the shearing stress, and they do not obey Poiseuille's or Stokes's law.1943Amer. Speech XVIII. 220 We are..on the threshold, he says, of a third stage: the ‘non-aristotelian’, non-Euclidean, non-Newtonian stage. The complete revolution Einstein has produced in physics is only part of a general revolution that must eventually affect all human knowledge.1946Nature 17 Aug. 245/1 The measurement of viscosity of non-Newtonian liquids.1971Biorheology VIII. 79 The ‘overall vicosity’..exhibited non-Newtonian behavior.

