
单词 pin-hole
释义 pin-hole|ˈpɪnhəʊl|
Also pinhole.
1. A hole into which a pin or peg fits.
1677Moxon Mech. Exerc. ii. 19 The inside of the Hinge below the Pin-hole of the Joynt.Ibid. 26 If your Key is to have a Pin-hole, drill the hole in the middle of the end of the shank.1727Bradley Compl. Body Husb. 43 The pin⁓holes in the beam, the use of which is to make this plough cut more or less deep, by fixing the wheels nearer to or farther from the paring-plate.1880A. J. Hipkins in Grove Dict. Mus. I. 721/2 Single plates of metal, allowing room for the pin-holes [for the tuning-pins in a pianoforte] in the wooden block.1891P. G. Stone Archit. Antiq. Isle of Wight 112 The slates..were thick, and still retained the original pin-holes.
2. a. A hole made by a pin; any very small aperture or perforation resembling a pin-prick.
1676Wiseman Chirurg. Treat. i. iv. 28 The Breast had at first broke..in a small pin-hole.1822J. Imison Sc. & Art I. 233 We can easily see through a small pin-hole in a piece of paper.1889Anthony's Photogr. Bull. II. 330 The sensitizing solution should be constantly watched to avoid pinholes, surface markings, et le reste.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. III. 880 The orifice of the appendix..may be a mere pinhole.
b. A small hole in timber caused by a wood-boring beetle or its larva.
1894A. D. Hopkins in Bull. West Virginia Agric. Exper. Station Jan. 291 In order that we may refer to the different kinds of defects caused by insects, by some simple, descriptive names, I will present the following, provisional classification and popular names. Pin Holes. Small, round holes, one-hundredth of an inch to one-fourth of an inch in diameter.1907Circ. Bureau Entomol., U.S. Dept. Agric. No. 82. 1 The principal injury to the wood of standing girdled cypress was found to consist of pinholes in the sapwood and heartwood.1938Hunt & Garratt Wood Preservation iii. 53 The insect defects produced in wood before it is placed in service may be classified as pinholes or grub holes, the distinction being principally a matter of size.1968Gloss. Terms Timber Preservation (B.S.I.) 15 Pinhole, a worm hole not more than 1·5 mm in diameter.
c. A very small cavity in a solid, esp. a casting.
1906H. Adams Cassell's Engineers' Hand-bk. iv. 174 Pin-holes, or blow-holes in brass castings are produced by overheating the metal.1925Jrnl. Inst. Metals XXXIII. 227 The ‘pin-holes’ are small cavities more or less spherical in shape, fairly uniformly disseminated through the body of the casting.1947J. C. Rich Materials & Methods Sculpture iv. 70 The most common surface blemishes that may mar an otherwise perfect cast are caused by pinholes resulting from air bubbles imprisoned in the plaster mix.1968D. R. Cliffe Technical Metall. xi. 268 ‘Gas holes’ (or ‘pin-holes’) are small, evenly distributed rounded cavities with bright walls caused by the release of dissolved gases during freezing.
d. A very small area from which a coating is absent.
1909Jrnl. Industr. & Engin. Chem. May 295/1 Dealers who were previously large importers of tin plate..are willing to admit that even in the ‘good old times’ they were greatly annoyed by the so-called ‘pin holes’ in their goods.1932E. S. Hedges Protective Films on Metals vii. 212 The examination of perforated cans has shown that the holes may occur..at pinholes in the tin coating.1970J. A. Scarlett Printed Circuit Boards iv. 53 Most firms use Beta-ray backscatter tests to check thicknesses of gold plating, together with an electrograph porosity test against pinholes.
e. Ellipt. for pin-hole camera.
1976Broadcast 29 Nov. 18/1 The camera is a box— be it a still camera, a film camera, a television camera, a Polaroid, a pinhole.
3. attrib.
a. (In sense 2). Pertaining to, involving, or of the nature of a pinhole or very small aperture; of the size of a pin-prick.
a1853Pereira Polarised Light (1854) 296 If we look at a pin or needle through a pin-hole aperture in a card.1879St. George's Hosp. Rep. IX. 288 ‘Pinhole’ wound leading to fracture on tibia.Ibid. 419 A pinhole perforation was found in the sigmoid flexure.1946C. W. Briggs Metall. of Steel Castings iii. 136 (heading) Pinhole porosity.1962F. I. Ordway et al. Basic Astronautics vi. 275 (caption) Pinhole insert to control rate of gas intake.1973G. J. Davies Solidification & Casting ix. 172 (heading) Pinhole cavities in a sand-cast aluminium alloy, the result of hydrogen evolution on cooling.
b. Photogr. Having or pertaining to the use of a pin-hole in place of a lens, as pin-hole camera, pin-hole photography, pin-hole picture, pin-hole work.
1891Phil. Mag. Feb. 89 As the focal length increases, the brightness (B) in the image of a properly proportioned pin-hole camera diminishes.1902A. Watkins Photogr. 56 Pinhole pictures..have a tendency to require longer exposures than the mathematically calculated ones.1940Chambers's Techn. Dict. 644/2 Pinhole photography, photography involving the use of a pinhole instead of a lens to form an image on a camera plate.1948A. L. M. Sowerby Dict. Photogr. (ed. 17) 509 A recent article by L. A. Turner..contains an improved theoretical treatment of pinhole work.1962M. L. Haselgrove Photographers' Dict. 162 Pinhole (camera). Replacing the camera lens with a panel in which a small pinhole has been made will result in an image being formed on the milk.
c. Comb. pinhole borer, a small brown or black beetle or its larva belonging to the families Scolytidæ or Platypodidæ, which damages trees or felled timber by boring tunnels into the wood.
1916Indian Forester XLII. 217 (heading) Ambrosia beetles or pin-hole and shot-hole borers.1928Forestry Comm. Bull. No. 9. 12 The pin-hole borers, poorly represented in Europe, are more numerous in the Southern States of North America, and are especially abundant in the tropics.1946Cartwright & Findlay Decay of Timber xiv. 276 The constant presence of staining around the tunnels of the pinhole borers..is usually due to growth of dark-coloured moulds in the wood surrounding the tunnels.1963N. E. Hickin Insect Factor in Wood Decay viii. 256 Ambrosia beetles are also called Pinhole Borers.1975G. Evans Life of Beetles iv. 92 Pin-hole borers, or ‘ambrosia beetles’..are small beetles which bore very narrow tunnels of about the diameter of a thick pin.
Hence pin-holed |ˈpɪnhəʊld| a. or pa. pple., perforated with or as with pin-prick.
1873Browning Red Cott. Nt.-cap 69 Palace-panes Pin⁓holed athwart their windowed filagree By twinklings sobered from the sun outside.1928Forestry Comm. Bull. No. 9. 13 Apart from the tunnels cut by the beetles, secondary damage is found in pin-holed timber. This consists in a staining of the wood in a longitudinal direction on each side of the pin-hole.

