GTBGran Turismo Berlinetta
GTBGoogle Tool Bar
GTBGuaranty Trust Bank (Nigeria)
GTBGlobal Transaction Banking
GTBGrand Traverse Band (of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians; Michigan)
GTBGreat Tythe Barn (UK)
GTBGestion Technique du Bâtiment (French: Technical Management of Buildings)
GTBGlobal Trust Bank
GTBGhana Tourist Board
GTBGo To Bed
GTBGeneral Terms of Business
GTBGreg the Bunny (TV show)
GTBGlobally Threatened Bird
GTBGay Teen Boys (band)
GTBGangwon Television Broadcasting (South Korea)
GTBGlobal Telecom Brokers (This is the nick name for the company)
GTBGround Turn Back (aviation)
GTBGrow the Business
GTBGolden Thief Bug (Ragnarok)
GTBGran Tourismo Berlinetta (Ferrari)
GTBGround Training Branch
GTBGood Time Boys (movie)
GTBGroupe de Travail Bruxelles 1952
GTBGrand Théâtre de Bordeaux (French: Grand Theatre of Bordeaux; Bordeaux, France)
GTBGeneral Tool Box
GTBGoing To the Bathroom
GTBGrand Tourer Bilstein (Subaru Legacy model)
GTBGuilderland Town Band (Guilderland, NY)
GTBGreater Trochanteric Bursitis (medical disorder)
GTBGrid Toolbox (IBM)
GTBGreater-The-Better (principle)
GTBGuidance Telemetry Building
GTBGalactic Terran Bomber (gaming, Descent: Freespace)
GTBGas Turbine Bulletin (mechanics)
GTBGiant Tiger Boutique (Canadian discount store)