DHIDizziness Handicap Inventory (scale)
DHIDeutschen Historischen Instituts (German: German Historical Institute)
DHIDoor and Hardware Institute
DHIDivision of Health Improvement (New Mexico)
DHIDairy Herd Improvement
DHIDanish Hydraulic Institute
DHIDuruöz Hand Index (rheumatology)
DHIDeaf and Hearing Impaired
DHIDirect Hydrocarbon Indicator
DHIDepartment of Heavy Industry (India)
DHIDiversity Health Institute (consortium; Australia)
DHIDeaf History International (Gallaudet University)
DHIDown Hole Interface (Oil and Gas)
DHIDepartment of Homeland Insecurity
DHIDynamic Hyperinflation (lung disease)
DHIDirect Hygiène Industrie (French: Direct Hygeine Industry)
DHIDakar Heure Instrument (French: Dakar Time Instrument; Sénégal)
DHIDefense Hydrographic Initiative
DHIDoosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd (South Korea)
DHIDaewoo Heavy Industries & Machinery Inc
DHIDeck High
DHIDesign Horizons International (Vero Beach, FL)
DHIDual Handset Installment (mobile phone contract)