CAIComputer-Aided Instruction
CAICommunity Associations Institute
CAIComputer Aided Instruction
CAIComputer Assisted Instruction
CAICold Air Intake (automotive)
CAIClub Alpino Italiano
CAICenter for Academic Integrity
CAICentro de Atención Integral (Spanish: Comprehensive Care Center; various locations)
CAICentral Asia Institute
CAICasinos Austria International (Austria)
CAIConfederation of Aerial Industries (UK)
CAIContemporary Art Institute (various locations)
CAICognitive Artificial Intelligence (various locations)
CAICompagnia Aerea Italiana (Italian: Italian Airline)
CAICodon Adaptation Index (genetics)
CAIComputer Assisted Intervention
CAIClean Air Initiative
CAICurriculum, Assessment and Instruction
CAICatia Integration
CAIControlled Auto Ignition
CAIComputer Assisted Interviewing
CAICommon Air Interface
CAIComputer Associates International
CAICold Air Intake System
CAIChannel Assignment Indicator
CAICentral American Indian (language)
CAICentral Apnea Index
CAICommon Air Interface (CT2 standard)
CAICertified Auctioneers Institute
CAIControlled Auto-Ignition
CAICold Air Induction
CAIContrat d'Accueil et d'Intégration (French: Reception and Integration Contract; French Office for Immigration and Integration)
CAICiti Alternative Investments (various locations)
CAICase Identification
CAICorporate Accountability International
CAICredit Agricole Indosuez
CAICommunity Anchor Institution
CAIComputer-Aided Inspection
CAICompression After Impact
CAICarbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor
CAIComputer Aided Innovation
CAICentrale Antenne Inrichting (Dutch TV/Radio antenna company)
CAICommissione per le Adozioni Internazionali (Italian institute for international adoption)
CAICanadian Automotive Institute (Canada)
CAIContainer Applications International (US shipping container company)
CAIClub Atletico Independiente
CAICulinary Academy of India (Osmania University)
CAICentro de Atencíon Inmediata (Spanish: Immediate Care Center; Colombia)
CAIConfederation of Australian Industry
CAICalcium Aluminum-rich Inclusion (mineralogy)
CAIChild Advocacy International
CAICairo, Egypt - International (Airport Code)
CAIChristian Associates International (religious group)
CAICicatelli Associates Inc.
CAIChemical Accident/Incident
CAICompliance Associates, Inc. (Cape Coral, FL)
CAIConsumer Association of Ireland
CAICislunar Aerospace, Inc. (San Francisco, CA)
CAICompliance Automation, Inc.
CAICompagnia Aeronautica Italiana
CAICentrale Allarme Interbancaria (Italian Institute for payment alarming)
CAIComposite Affordability Initiative (next-generation rotorcraft)
CAIComisión de Asuntos Indígenas (Spanish: Commission of Indigenous Affairs)
CAICorporate Affairs International
CAIComputer Arts Informant (publication)
CAICall Assembly Index
CAICommercialization Achievement Index
CAICentralized Accident Investigation
CAIChristian Assemblies International (Pentecostal Church)
CAICritical Application Item
CAIControlled Air Incinerator
CAICentre Auvergne Immobilier (French: Auvergne Real Estate Center; Auvergne, France)
CAICommunications, Avionics and Informatics
CAICentre d'Analyse des Images (French: Image Analysis Center)
CAIComputer Analog Input
CAIContractor Acceptance Inspection
CAIComputer Applications Incorporated
CAICarcinogenic Activity Indicator
CAIComputer Aided Instructor
CAIChild Aid International (Salem, MA)
CAICameron and Associates, Inc (Atlanta, GA)
CAIConfiguration Audit Inspection
CAICarbonic Anhydrase Isoenzymes I
CAICongregation Agudath Israel
CAICombined Arms Initiative
CAICross-Assigned In
CAICooperative Airborne Identification
CAICompletion of Availability Inspection (US Navy)
CAICustomer Access Initiation
CAICerebral Atrophy Index
CAIComputer Associates International, Incorporated
CAIConstruction Action Item
CAICentral Approval Index
CAIConcept Automation Incorporated
CAICurran Associates Inc (Red Hook, NY)
CAICounter Air Interdiction
CAICellule d'Audit Interne (French: Internal Audit Unit)
CAIClearing Account Indicator
CAICivil Aeronautics Institute
CAICorreos Acelerado International (International Express Mail; Mexico)