AARAgainst All Risks
AARAmerican Academy of Religion
AARAssociation of American Railroads
AARAll-American Rejects (band)
AARAfter Action Report
AARAfter Action Review
AARAdobe Acrobat Reader (Adobe Systems, Inc.)
AARAircraft Accident Report
AARArchives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche (French: Audiovisual Research Archives)
AARAnnual Activity Report (various organizations)
AARAndroid Archive (mobile application files)
AARAir America Radio (talk radio network)
AARAlabama Association of Realtors (Montgomery, AL)
AARAllens Arthur Robinson (law firm; Australia)
AARAgent Architecture
AARAutodesk Authorized Reseller
AARAutomatic Alternative Route
AARAutomatic Acronym Retrieval
AARAdobe Acrobat Reader
AARAutomatic Air Recirculation
AARAt Any Rate
AARAmerican Association of Railroads
AARAmerican Academy in Rome
AARArmy Armament Research (US Army)
AARApple Authorized Reseller
AARAutomated Aerial Refueling (US NASA)
AARAssociation of Amercian Railways
AARAssociation for Aid and Relief (Tokyo, Japan)
AARAll American Racers
AARArcadia Association of Realtors (Arcadia, CA)
AARAlkali-Aggregate Reaction
AARApproved Auto Repair (American Automobile Association)
AARAge-Adjusted Rate (health statistics)
AARAir-to-Air Refueling
AARAuthority for Advance Rulings (India)
AARAntigen-Antikörper Reaktion (German: Antigen-Antibody Reaction)
AARAutomatic Alternate Routing
AARAssociation of Authors' Representatives, Inc.
AARAdult Abuse Registry (Delaware)
AARAverage Annual Rainfall
AARAccumulation-Area Ratio
AARAlliance for Aging Research
AARAllen Aircraft Radio (est. 1951; Wood Dale, IL)
AARAction for Aboriginal Rights
AARAssociation for Automated Reasoning
AARAirport Acceptance Rate
AARAstronomy and Astrophysics Review (Springer publication)
AARAssociation to Aid Refugees (Japan)
AARAarhus, Denmark - Tirstrup (Airport Code)
AARAirport Arrival Rate (capacity measure)
AARActive Array Radar
AARAdministrative Adjustment Report
AARAntigen-Antibody Reaction
AARAlliance des Associations de Retraités (French: Alliance of Pensioners' Associations; Quebec, Canada)
AARAutomatic Address Recognition (various businesses)
AARAmerican Association of Religion
AARAlfa, Access and Renova (Russian Oil Co)
AARAortic Aneurysm Repair
AARAir to Air Receive
AARAir Augmented Rocket
AARAntigen-Antiglobulin Reaction
AARAffirmative Action Representative
AARAirworthiness Assurance Research and Development Branch (US FAA)
AARAutomatic Adaptive Routing
AARAsiana Airlines Republic of Korea (ICAO code)
AARAtlas of Australian Resources
AARArmy Area Representative
AARAdaptive Auto-Regressive
AARAcoustic Assessment Report
AARAction Aid Rwanda
AARArrival and Assembly Railroads
AARAktiebolaget Atomenergi Research
AARAgriculture Acquisition Regulation (US Department of Agriculture)
AARAirborne Allergen Report
AARArmy Achievement Award
AARAutomatic Answering and Recording
AARAudit Agenda Record
AARAsk Another Race
AARAgence Architecture Rey (French architecture agency)
AARAuthorized Area Representative
AARAuto Analysis Stage (Infrared Space Observatory data analysis)
AARAveize Auto Rétro (car club; France)
AARArea Access Rate