RTLRegister Transfer Level (VHDL)
RTLRegister Transfer Level
RTLRetail (hardware or software release in its final version, as opposed to beta)
RTLRight to Left
RTLReady to Launch (various companies)
RTLRight To Life (political party, NY)
RTLRun Time Library
RTLResponding to Life
RTLRantoul (Amtrak station code; Rantoul, IL)
RTLReady To Learn (PBS)
RTLRide The Lightning (Metallica)
RTLReal Time Linux
RTLRound Trip Latency
RTLRaster Transfer Language
RTLReal Time Localization
RTLRealtek Lan
RTLReliance Telecom Ltd (India)
RTLRedwood Toxicology Laboratory (drug testing facility; Santa Rosa, CA)
RTLRegister Transfer Language
RTLResistor Transistor Logic
RTLRe-education Through Labour (China)
RTLRéseau de Transport de Longueuil
RTLRegional Team Leader
RTLRadio Télévision Luxembourg (Luxembourg Television and Radio)
RTLRadio Timor Leste (East Timor)
RTLReal Time Logic
RTLRegister Transfer Logic (semiconductors)
RTLRuntime Language
RTLReconstituted Tobacco Leaf (blend construction)
RTLReady to Load
RTLResolution Team Leader
RTLReduced Tillage Linkages
RTLRide the Lobster (unicycling race)
RTLRated Tensile Load (suspension insulators)
RTLRegister Transfer List
RTLRestricted Target List
RTLRadial Transmission Line
RTLRoutine Test Load (suspension insulators)
RTLRadio Telex Letter
RTLRadiating Transmission Line
RTLRegimental Training Line
RTLResearch & Technology Laboratories (AVRADCOM)
RTLRolling Target List
RTLRefrigerated Transmission Line
RTLRadio Team Leader
RTLReinforced Tile Lintel
RTLResponsible Task Leader
RTLRegeneration Thermo-Luminescence
RTLRate Tracking Loop
RTLRecovery Technical Limit
RTLResource Tie Line
RTLRadiative Transfer Laboratory (University of Kentucky; Lexington, KY)