
单词 office
释义 ffice n 1 [C] (a) [C often pl 常作复数] room(s) or building used as a place of business, esp for clerical or administrative work 办公室; 办公楼     our London offices 我们在伦敦的办事处     Our office is in the centre of the town. 我们的办公楼在市中心.     [attrib 作定语] an `office job 办公室的工作     `office equipment, ie stationery, typewriters, etc 办公设备     `office workers 办公室工作人员. (b) (usu small) room in which a particular person works (通常指小的)办公室, 事务所, 办事处     a lawyer´s office 律师事务所     the school secretary´s office 学校秘书办公室     The editors have to share an office. 编辑须合用一间办公室. (c) (US) doctor´s surgery 诊所     the pediatrician´s office 小儿科诊所. 2 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) room or building used for a particular purpose (esp to provide a service) 有特定用途的房间或建筑物(尤指服务性的)     the lost `property office 失物招领处     a `ticket office at a station 火车站售票处     the local `tax office 地方税务所. 3 Office [sing] (esp in compounds尤用以构成复合词) (buildings of a) government department, including the staff, their work and duties (政府部门的)部, 局, 厅(的建筑物)     the `Foreign Office 外交部 * the`Home Office 内政部. 4 [C, U] (work and duties connected with a) (public) position of trust and authority, esp as (part of) the government 公职; 官职; 公务     He has held the office of chairman for many years. 他当主席已经很多年了.     seek/accept/leave/resign office as a cabinet minister 谋求[接受/放弃/辞退]内阁阁员的职务     the office of mayor 市长职位     His political party has been out of office (ie has not formed a government) for many years. 他们政党已在野多年.     Which political party is in office in your country? 贵国是哪一个政党执政? 5 Office [sing] (religion 宗) authorized form of Christian worship (基督教徒的)仪式, 祷告     Divine `Office, ie daily service in the Roman Catholic church 日课(天主教的每日礼拜)     the Office for the dead 为死者举行的宗教仪式. 6 (idm 习语) ,lay down `office (fml 文) resign a position of authority 辞职. through sb´s good `offices (fml 文) with sb´s kind help 承某人的好意协助.

