
单词 bell
释义 bell n 1 hollow metal object, usu shaped like a cup, that makes a ringing sound when struck 钟; 铃: church bells 教堂的钟     a bicycle bell 自行车的铃. =>illus 见插图. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xiii. 2 sound of this as a time-signal (报时的)钟声或铃声     There´s the bell for the end of the lesson. 下课铃响了.     The boxer was saved by the bell, ie He escaped further severe treatment when the bell sounded. 那拳击手因铃响而得救(因铃响而免遭对方进一步的打击). 3 thing shaped like a bell 钟形物. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page x. 4 (idm 习语) clear as a bell => clear1. ring a bell => ring2. sound as a bell => sound1.

