
词组 situation
释义 situation /ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn/ SEE ALL(a) catch-22a catch-22 situation (informal) a difficult situation from which there is no escape because you need to do one thing before doing a second, and you cannot do the second thing before doing the first 无法摆脱的困境;进退维谷的局面I can’t get a job because I haven’t got any experience, but I can’t get experience until I get a job — it’s a catch-22 situation.我没有经验所以找不到工作,但是找不到工作又哪来经验,这不是让人左右为难嘛。 ORIGIN Catch-22 is the title of a novel by Joseph Heller, in which the main character pretends to be crazy in order to avoid dangerous situations in war. The authorities say that he cannot be crazy if he is concerned about his own safety. 这个短语源于约瑟夫 ∙ 海勒一部小说的书名。小说的主人公装疯想逃避战争中的危险,然而上级说如果他在意自己的安全就不是真疯。a ˌchicken-and-ˈegg situationa situation in which you do not know which of two connected events is the cause of the other 先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题;因果难定的情况Is she unhappy because she gets into debt, or does she get into debt because she’s unhappy? I suppose it’s a chicken-and-egg situation.她是因为欠债而不开心,还是因为不开心所以才欠债?我看这个因果关系很难界定。 ORIGIN This comes from the question ‘Which came first — the chicken or the egg?’. 这个习语源于“ Which came first —-- the chicken or the egg? ”这个疑问。save the ˈday/situˈationdo sth that changes probable failure into success 挽回败局;扭转局面Jones saved the day for England with a last-minute goal.琼斯在最后一分钟踢进一球,使英格兰队反败为胜。

